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Phorphorus levels in water 30x's higher than what it should be in virginia. PLUS MYSTERIOUS FOAM

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posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 04:37 AM
According to this report from the RSOE GLOBAL DISASTER AND EMERGENCY DATABASE:

New tests of James River water have found extremely high levels of phosphorus near the Huguenot Bridge in Richmond and at Maidens in Goochland County. Phosphorus levels in both spots were more than 30 times higher than a healthy river should contain, according to the state Department of Environmental Quality. Exploring the James River. More tests, more phosphorus How bad is the river foam? Mystery on the James Foam in James appears to be growing, official says River lovers are taking the foam mystery in stride James River foam puzzles officials Phosphorus causing foam on river? Mystery brews along the James River The Richmond level was nearly twice the concentration found in mid-June -- a level deemed extraordinarily high then. "This clearly indicates there is something out of whack in the river, and that's what we'd like to figure out," said DEQ spokesman Bill Hayden.

There is alot more in the report...sounds kinda wierd to me.
the Global Disaster and Emergency database has placed this at a level 3 out 5. which is termed as a HEAVY risk situation.

If you want to read more of the report you can go here:
There is also a detailed map of the area.

So what do you guys think this about? i dont know what the effects of such a thing would be, or how they could have gotten this high. Either way it seems to be not only an alarming find but kind of mysterious to the officials in charge of figuring this out.

your input would be appreciated


[edit on 10/01/2004 by DigitalGrl]

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 04:47 AM
Well, well...

Looks like no more tubing down the James for me.

What a shame.

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 07:12 PM
nobody thinks this is wierd at all?

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by DigitalGrl
nobody thinks this is wierd at all?

Not to me... I live in Virginia and as pretty as it is, a lot of is utterly filthy. I think I read that the Shenandoah Valley Natural Park is either THE most polluted in the nation or near the top.

Virginia and more broadly the south-east and central atlantic area gets hit with a lot of bad stuff in the air eminating from the northern industries. I'm not sure of the details but from what I've read, that stuff just kinda drifts down to us and lingers around.

The Chesapeake Bay is pure crud by now and even as of late, more and more species are the subjects of concern for many scientists.

All these problems... and you know what? We PAY places like New York to send us their friggen trash. Have we, as the state of Virginia, any room to be taking on other people's crap when we can't even take care of our own?

So no, to answer your question, I don't find it in the least bit weird that the James River is polluted as much of the rest of the state is already polluted. Nothing new, really.

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