posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 12:41 AM
Well, the oval office might have alot to do with it, but this is 30 years in the making at least. Our military is the world's military. Americans
work everyday to support foreign investors and their corporations. In 30 years US will be like D.R or P.R. American land with hispanics living in it.
Well, I love hispanics but it just proves that this country has no roots, except for the people who invest in our country and the brainwashed
residents who keep it going. .it's one big economic conquest .
But people's overall attitudes are better here. If anything, them europeans are spoiled more than we are now, and they think who they are. Soon, they
will be the ignorants.
[edit on 7/3/2006 by StreetCorner Philosopher]