posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 11:58 AM
Sounds like either browser trouble or ISP problems. Just for starters make sure all DNS Name resolution stuff is ok. Check for a HOSTS file on your
PC. (No Extention on that. If you find HOSTS.SAM, don't worry, it's just a sample file.) HOSTS will resolve DNS names for your PC instead of
asking your ISP for resolution, and can lead to "No Page Found Errors" sometimes.
If it's your browser try cleaning it all out and checking the settings. BTW if you manually go to delete the contents of "TEMP" and/or "TEMPORARY
INTERNET FILES" don't just open them up and delete the contents from a normal window. "Right Click" and "Explore" it. You'll find "Temp
Internet Files" will Tree into multiple hidden folders full of stuff.
Try that for starters.