posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 03:20 PM
There are lots of different kinds of ghosts.
One I have not seen posted is psychic impression, which is sometimes the case, like on battle fields.
WHat happens there is that something was so horrible or terrible that it created almost an image from the person or persons who were a part of it.
Like a photograph stuck in time. My guess is that the mind somehow is able to create such a large burst of energy that it almost splatters space and
time with its imprint of the occasion.
After years of exploring and practicing meduimship, I've learned a few interesting things. A lot of ghosts are relatives who come back to help
create closure,some are people who feel they were mistreated during life and cannot move on, some were never human at all and are either animal, or
just passing entities, many many different forms of ghost. There is a whole world under our physical reality that we are not even aware of, once and a
while those worlds collide and people seee things.
Spirits that contact people have to actually learn to lower thier own vibratory patterns in order to contact us, and we have to be able to learn how
to raise ours at the same time. Almost like tuning forks that vibrate different sounds, the spirit world is the same way. Energy vibration. My 2 cents
for ya, Peace out.
[edit on 6-7-2006 by Darkblade71]