For those of you who saw the debate on CSPAN...this is from the clerks office...the official tally of the bill "Supporting intelligence and law
enforcement programs to track terrorists and terrorist finances conducted consistent with Federal law and with appropriate Congressional consultation
and specifically condemning the disclosure and publication of classified information that impairs the international fight against, etc." As well as
the responses of five democratic congresspersons.
Slaughter: Think of what we heard from leading Republicans over the past few days. They’ve called the disclosure of the swift anti-terrorist
program a disgrace, they’ve accused a newspaper that first wrote it, the ""the new york times,"" of forcing its, quote, arrogant elitist
left-wing agenda, end quote, on the rest of the country. If all of this is true, I have no choice but to conclude that our President, President bush
himself, is a disgraceful, arrogant left-wing elitist, because it was Mr. Bush who leaked the story."
Dingell: "They tell us that they’re protecting our civil liberties while they’re tapping our phones and spying in our libraries and looking into
our bank accounts. They tell us to trust us on everything. They tell us to trust us on — trust them on everything because they’re protecting their
civil liberties. Well, I don’t think I can trust this administration to protect my civil liberties and those of the people that I serve.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
I saw this debate and thought it was just more of the same. Wind blowing and smoke and mirrors. I didn't actually expect them to actually pass a
non-binding resolution condemning the release of classified information.
So first, we out your wife if you try and show people we are lying....then....we take away whistle blower protection laws...and now we are condemning
the Times for the release of information that was done in a rather professional manner...I.E not too much information was given away...not enough to
ACTUALLY do any damage...just enough to inform the American people.
What really shocks me is that the United States government doesn't realize that it does not matter what they think. They are not supposed to have an
agenda other than that of their respective constituents. Because the American people are paying for everything that this Government does, they have
the right to certain things...specifically when it comes to even coming close to violating Civil Liberties. This is what imho the founding fathers had
in mind for a free press.
This really just nails the hammer home on this government. It will do anything regardless of what party is actually leading to retain power. Right now
its the Extremist right a decade from now maybe longer maybe shorter it will be the Extremist Left. Either way the real people who matter...the
citizenry... we don't have a choice....we must simply follow along.
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[edit on 30-6-2006 by Elsenorpompom]
[edit on 30-6-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]