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Justices say Bush went too far at Guantanamo

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posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 04:25 PM

P.S. Osama wants you to express these viewpoints and spread this rhetoric like viral infection. He wants you to generalize and despise any arab who takes arms against america and call them "terrorists" It's part of his strategy. He's read Lao Tzu's "Art of War" have you?

This is so very true. What better way to inflame tempers and fuel a war that thrives off terror, propaganda and half truths? We do half of Osama's work for him when we continue the hate juggernaut ever onward, rolling over innocents to get at a few causing the chaos.

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 10:24 PM
Skipptytjc What makes you think most people in Guantanamo are guilty?
Didn’t you know that (so far so bad) there have been more innocent people released from there than guilty ones convicted there?

I am 100% against the camp solely because I do not believe that most people there are guilty. Why are you so confident; do you know something that contradicts their current bad record of detainee justice?

Of course if they are guilty then sure lock them away. If they want to force their beliefs onto others (like you should be dead) then I want to force mine onto them; which is they should be locked away. So I think we both agree on that.

What horrifies-enrages me is two things...
1. The slow rate of justice
2. The high number of innocents in relation to guilty ones.

That said its not really the material camp I want to see closed down; rather its our policy in these two areas that bugs me.
And it looks as though America's court has gone some way to agree with me. Anyway there's some questions for you.

[edit on 090705 by Liberal1984]

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Truthwillsetyoufree

P.S. Osama wants you to express these viewpoints and spread this rhetoric like viral infection. He wants you to generalize and despise any arab who takes arms against america and call them "terrorists" It's part of his strategy. He's read Lao Tzu's "Art of War" have you?

This is so very true. What better way to inflame tempers and fuel a war that thrives off terror, propaganda and half truths? We do half of Osama's work for him when we continue the hate juggernaut ever onward, rolling over innocents to get at a few causing the chaos.

I don't think people realize that Osama isn't just some cave dweller. I don't think its said enough on the news that his academic background is off the charts. He is like that guy in Pinky & the Brain. He quotes from Art of War for godsakes. And he is such a ego he tells you his strategy in every tape. He wants to bankrupt America just like Russia in Afghanistan.

You know how out of touch I knew this administration was? When Cheney had that debate with Edwards and she mentioned the aids statistic in Africa. He was taken back by the aids numbers. This is the conservative world. If you don't look/question it's not there until you are confronted with it live on national tv.

And you know what happens if anyone brought anything critical up? A town cryer from Hannityville immediately swarms the streets and yells out "LIBBERAAL MEDIA"

But I have a question for conservatives and these uber bumper sticker "Support the troops" Where does the money keep coming from for this war? Arent you a little concerned you are dwelling in territory you have no idea how to get out of?

The right reminds me of Gil from GlenGaryRoss. "I got a lead on this terror don't cut me off" Everything that they feared Liberals in power would do is becoming a reality.
Let's display them for all to see

Overreaching Power
Failing at Govt
Healthcare debacle
Veteran assistance
National Debt

It's like a greek Aesop fable . The Elephant messes up seriously and gets more angrier with everyday when stumbling around in the jungle.

You know, that is scary what Skip said. Because we have analysts saying this and repeating it as fact on all the major networks. They're all locked away all the bad people at the interrogation center. Without knowing 1 concrete fact. Why is that? Because this country has become so desensitized and not a clue what rendition is doing to families. It's just "Wave a flag and salute" and pretend you are a national expert because you talked to some soldiers and everythings alright.

You know, Im beginning to think Art of War isn't all Osama knows. Im beginning to think Osama knows a little bit about "Game Theory" as well.

It's so tragically comical the more buttons he pushes the more America screws up.
66 people dead in exchange for bragging about killing Z-man, Feel like bragging some more? How much do you think those attacks cost? How much do you think we spend on a average day? How many families are ripped apart emotionally/physically/psychologically/ over this?

Definitely he reads War Strategists more than our president and co. And what's tragically hysterical is The Right is what made him into a idol. Because you feared him and then you pretended like he didn't exist like our president. Then he comes out of hiding and basically says "I am going to bankrupt you. Get Madder so I can bankrupt you faster and break your Military"

But there are some people on ATS who still don't get it.

Osama is like V for Vendetta. He is criminally insane but yet he is becoming a figure who stands against a great empire and a threat to a civilization. Holy Jihad is at his fingertips and America is presenting it to him wrapped with a bow.

How much money do you think Osama spent on this conflict?
Ahhhhh (Said the perceptive american general public 3 years later)

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 08:06 PM
Oh if all Osama wants to do is bankrupt America then he has plenty of allies within America's governing party of DemoRep (Democratic Republicanism or Demo Representation I forget which one). Basically America has spent the equivalent of one billion dollars a day, every day for something like the last 50 years. This of course is the cost of super power status but since the end of the Cold War one has to ask what America got back? There must be something in exchange for one billion dollars worth of taxpayer’s money. And indeed there is it’s called the lobbying and donations of military supplier produces towards America's two party come one party state. Both Republicans and Democrats benefit never forget that!
This in my opinion is the real reason for why we conduct the war on terrorism as we do. The cold war built up enough military industry for it to be to able to lobby government, to continue all they needed was a new never ending war. And since 9/11 they have had one.

Guantanamo Bay is just where many innocent people have ended up while they who lobby your insanely huge military have made the terrorist problem even worse. The methods they use don’t win hearts and minds and if they did we probably wouldn’t use so many weapons. At least in England its people lobbying for public health contracts for the giant NHS that causes the fuss; how lucky are we? I mean I for one would rather free health, than a giant army. Especially as a giant army takes away many good people who could contribute to your own economy, especially as we both have borders armed with nuclear weapons which will always ensure against a real land invasion. Of course America worries less about land invasion and more the consequences of its exporting of death and destruction in the name of power projection. So you see in the big scheme (well according to me anyway) Guantanamo Bay is tiny. The real terrorists there are obviously unaware how they are exploited to provide the problems they hate with what is needed (i.e. an excuse to spend loads).

posted on Jul, 7 2006 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
And US does not TORTURE in Detention camps?

Other than a few isolated cases, o' terrorist supporter, your above quoted mention is simply cheap rhetoric.
How many torture and detention places for POWs and enemy combatants do you see that have volleyball courts, those held gaining on average 6lbs, etc, etc?

Scott Shane of the New York Times insisted in a June 18 story in the New York Times that the terrorist detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, had darkened America's image in the world. But John Raughter, editor of The American Legion Magazine, visited Guantanamo and reported that "It includes a state-of-the-art hospital, exercise equipment, a ping-pong table, a soccer field, and basketball and volleyball courts. The U.S. government spends $12.68 per prisoner daily on a 4,200-calorie diet of culturally appropriate meals, including steak, fish, chicken, rice, fresh fruit and vegetables. The average detainee at Guantanamo weighs 6 pounds more than when he arrived."
Linky for you to comprehend


[edit on 7-7-2006 by Seekerof]

posted on Jul, 7 2006 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
"It includes a state-of-the-art hospital, exercise equipment, a ping-pong table, a soccer field, and basketball and volleyball courts. The U.S. government spends $12.68 per prisoner daily on a 4,200-calorie diet of culturally appropriate meals, including steak, fish, chicken, rice, fresh fruit and vegetables. The average detainee at Guantanamo weighs 6 pounds more than when he arrived."
Linky for you to comprehend

Hey nice to see you again Seekerof.

I imaging that many of the detainees deserve to be in Guantanamo.

But also is about time that the supreme court acknowledge that the Bush administration has done something illegal of the many things that they are doing illegal.

Now as the splendid amenities in Guantanamo . . . well they do . . . make a nice public opinion picture of hard bodies under the Caribbean hot sun.

And the luxurious American meals will make anybody gain weight after all we are a nation of very defined expanding people.

But the reality is that Guantanamo has overextended its purpose and that has to be redefine.

Like somebody mention before me . . . I agree if Guantanamo closes they just move the people somewhere else where torture will no be seen as extreme.

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