"Ok i am a new member to this site, but their is a question i was hoping someone could answer, it has to do with the propulsions systems a alien
would use to travel through space. Since Einstein showed us that traveling above the speed of light is a imposiblity according to the laws of physics,
because your mass would become infinitely large( i hope thats right), i was wondering about other types of propulsion systems used by aliens, if their
are any.
Traveling in space at the speed of light can still lead to very long trips because of size, but is it possible for them to warp space and time. This
is a theory i had heard about and read a little about, where u bend physical space and time to move the universe around your ship, without acctually
moving your vessel. This would make for easy maintence on a vessel and needless to say extremely short trips. But this is where i ran into a problem,
if you warp space and time, would you not be already defying the laws of physics(assuming this is even possible)."
No one said you have to break the laws of physics but instead avoid them all together....
Warp drive is unfortunatly to impractical since it requires you to move the entire universe. Now to do this it would require such massive amounts of
power that it would simply not be feasable. I once heard warp would require a power source that of 10 billion suns at least an I think that is a huge
understatement for the ammount required. Also warp drive does not defy the laws of physics since it requires for you not only to move the universe but
it requires you to shrink it in front of and expand it behind you. You would not be travelling faster then light and neither would the universe you
are siply shrinking moving and re-expanding the universe.
Now hyperdrive is closer then what people think and may be on the way soon I also know that a paper was written on the subject and won the nuclear and
future flight award from he American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. the military and Sandia National labs are interested in giving a
hyperdrive craft a test.
how hyper drive works is a jump to a dimension called hyperspace where everything :
A: space is much shorter (short cut)
B: everything moves faster then light.
Either way it theoretically requires much less power then warp drive and though only theoretical still very plausable.
I know people mention thing like building a teleportation or stargate device but that is also impractical unless you can travel to a certain location
by other means as well to place another device to receive and reassemble the object or person in question.
In regards to the plasma post it would be much better to use plasma to generate solid sheilds using cool plasma. Also Since diamond is compressed
carbon it could withstand the heat of plasma.
"20 years ago, I would have said you were nuts if you suggested I'd be carrying around a phone in my pocket."
They had cell phones 20 years ago they just looked like bricks...
hyperdrive is clearly the most logical choice for putting the stars in reach.