posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 07:14 AM
I was merely suggesting the board, so it was pretty much a logical and restatement of what the poll represented. Yes, however a poll of the complete
United States would infact be heavily leaning on the terrorist stand point for the perpetrators of 9/11 because most are not told or shown
However, I feel that to be growingly different among college campuses. I was suprised that during one of my History 203 lectures, a kid brought up
Loose Change, I laughed a bit. The teacher didn't want to hit the subject too hard, but he was very liberal, he almost replaced the topic fast with
something else til I chimed in with the questions that we wanted answered about the collapse and some of the unusual coincidences on what happened
that day and more and more people started talking, was pretty invigorating.