posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 01:31 PM
I noticed that I had electrical phenomena around me even as a small child. I would charge objects at a distance and even move them slightly with my
mental focus. I think as the previous poster said it is all connected. In some it is stronger than others.
I noticed that I affected computers many years ago. I have it under control now or I would not have been able to make a living in computers for these
many years. When I was younger I could not control it and it just manifested as weird things going on around me.
I learned to control it with a device that detects shifts in the electromagnetic flux. I purchased it because it was billed as a
UFO detector. It had 2 settings for sensitivity. I would put it on the high sensitivity setting
and use it to detect things like electric wires and other electromagnetic hot spots.
Later I had an episode where I was having computer problems associated with my excited or elevated mood. I decided to see if the UFO detector would
pick up on this phenomena. I put the detector well in the middle of the room away from all other electric sources and then practiced putting my
attention on it and then directing it away and found I could focus this electrokinesis in this way.
This allowed me to learn how to direct and control the intensity of this ability. It really has little purpose other than amusing my close friends and
frustrating those people who are trying to use computers around me when I have strong emotions.
[edit on 8-8-2009 by wayouttheredude]