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Im ashamed

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posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 09:27 AM

HEY VUSHTA... How come you never respond to the FACTS? Please respond to this:

So present some facts already and I'll respond.

"Facts" are only bits of information . They become "relevant facts" only in context to to other things.

Buy what stretch of the imagination does what you posted contain anything relevant to 911?
These supposed correlations of "he's a Hearst"..or "look at his books"..etc. exist only in your imagination. Unless you can provide some facts to support your hypothesis that they do?

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 10:48 AM
Vushta I believe we're discussing that stuff in the Conspiracy Theory or Fact thread, care to come back and join? I noticed you started to.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Vushta

HEY VUSHTA... How come you never respond to the FACTS? Please respond to this:

So present some facts already and I'll respond.

"Facts" are only bits of information . They become "relevant facts" only in context to to other things.

Buy what stretch of the imagination does what you posted contain anything relevant to 911?
These supposed correlations of "he's a Hearst"..or "look at his books"..etc. exist only in your imagination. Unless you can provide some facts to support your hypothesis that they do?

English please.

The truth is, there are two types of people posting here... Those which are debating the available evidence and those that just keep saying the same BS over and over to confuse, obscure and mislead while never addressing the topic being debated.

You fall into the latter category.

posted on Jun, 29 2006 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Masisoar
Vushta I believe we're discussing that stuff in the Conspiracy Theory or Fact thread, care to come back and join? I noticed you started to.

Thanks for the invite Masisoar. I just checked back in this thread and saw your post.
Goin' ther now.

posted on Jun, 29 2006 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Slap Nuts

Originally posted by Vushta

HEY VUSHTA... How come you never respond to the FACTS? Please respond to this:

So present some facts already and I'll respond.

"Facts" are only bits of information . They become "relevant facts" only in context to to other things.

Buy what stretch of the imagination does what you posted contain anything relevant to 911?
These supposed correlations of "he's a Hearst"..or "look at his books"..etc. exist only in your imagination. Unless you can provide some facts to support your hypothesis that they do?

English please.

The truth is, there are two types of people posting here... Those which are debating the available evidence and those that just keep saying the same BS over and over to confuse, obscure and mislead while never addressing the topic being debated.

You fall into the latter category.


posted on Jun, 29 2006 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by SaucyRossy

I rest my case on the Popular Mechanics article.

Well..turns out you're wrong.

From the horses mouth.

But then we heard a suggestion that Benjamin Chertoff denied the story altogether, so decided to email him to hear what he had to say. Was he really related to Michael Chertoff? And if he wasn't, then how could he explain the quote from his mother?

This is what he had to say.

Here's the story, as best as I know: I'm not related to Michael Chertoff, at least in any way I can figure out. We might be distant relatives, 15 times removed, but then again, so might you and I. Bottom line is I've never met him, never communicated with him, and nobody I know in my family has ever met or communicated with him.

As for what my mom said: When Chertoff was nominated to be head of homeland security it was the first I'd heard of him, and the same for my family (and, FYI, we'd already sent the 9/11 issue to the press by then!). My dad and I thought there might be some distant relation. When Chris Bollyn called and asked my mom if there was a relation (introducing himself as only "Chris"), she said "they might be distant cousins." Like much in the conspiracy world, this was taken WAY out of context. (Another case in point: Bollyn called me earlier and asked "Were you the senior researcher on the story?" I said, "I guess so," -- that's not a title I have ever used, nor is it at all common in magazine journalism, but I was the research editor at the time, so it kinda made sense.) Nonetheless, I was one of 9 reporters on the story, not counting editors, photo researchers, photo editors, copy editors, layout designers, production managers, fact-checkers, etc., etc., etc. who worked on this story.

posted on Jun, 30 2006 @ 08:54 PM
link rofl!

posted on Jul, 1 2006 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by dscomp rofl!

i would bet money that if popular mechanics wrote an article claiming that 9-11 was in inside job by bush&friends you wouldnt be rofl.

but now that i said " I BET" you will say you wouldnt believe Popular mechanics anyways.

posted on Jul, 1 2006 @ 06:54 PM

i would bet money that if popular mechanics wrote an article claiming that 9-11 was in inside job by bush&friends you wouldnt be rofl.

but now that i said " I BET" you will say you wouldnt believe Popular mechanics anyways.

Well maybe if Ben Chertoff "senior researcher" of Popular Mechanics wasnt the cousin of "Homeland Security Director", Michael Chertoff, I wouldnt be so cynical.

But hey, its a bit like g w bushs' brother Marvin Bush, who was a principal owner of the security firm, Securecom, aka Statesec, the company that held the contract to provide security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines and Dulles International Airport on Sept 11th, 2001. And we wonder how thermite made its way into the towers?

I guess this is just pure coincidence to yes?

You seriously need to do a little more research before you swallow crap like that posted by pop mechanics.

[edit on 1-7-2006 by dscomp]

[edit on 1-7-2006 by dscomp]

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by kipman725
that popular mechanics artical is full of crap... it says that the steel never melted yet we see molten metal flowing out of the sides of the towers:

I don't balme you for beliving it all though. After all it's easier to belive in govenment incompitence than a govenment that just want to screw you over

What you see as "molten steel" could very well be aluminum from the aircraft. Alumminum would melt before steel melts.

As for the new "theory that thermite was used" i don't think anyone knows a thing about thermite around here if you are going to claim that thermite would melt steel sideways.... Thermite used as a explosive only melts downwards, which would meant that every column would have melted completly, and not just broken sideways...

[edit on 3-7-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 02:37 AM
I don't even know why we argue back and forth so much about 9/11. Three buildings fell near perfectly straight down, and still people want to show us how airplanes caused this? And the third building didn't get hit by a plane. Demolition teams are the ones who pull off perfect collapses like this. Isn't that why they are in business? If buildings fell perfectly so easily, then why do demolition crews exist?


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