posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 12:36 PM
One needs to think of the changes to the supply chain in the last 20 years or so. We not have Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing where only a limited
supply of product is produced and stored before shipping it, unlike the old warehouses of product that stored 10,000 widgets when the company only
sold 100 a month.
The stores buying the widgets don't want to get stuck with older products on their shelves that they may have to discount before they can sell, so
they order in lesser quantities and distribute it amongst more stores to lower the risk.
This also frees up huge amounts of money in warehousing and transportation costs so the company can put more into R&D or expansion.
If there is a need to ship something from the warehouse, it can be done in a day to three days usually, so the company doesn't see a big deal in it.
My meds, if the pharmacy doesn't have them in stock, are shipped one day and received the next when I need them filled.
Business is trying to cut corners wherever they can. The thing that I don't like is that I can buy some products online from a companies website
cheaper than I can buy it in their store. This happened to me with an electronics store for a portable DVD player for my son. I was $40 cheaper
online on their website, but I would have had to wait 4 days to receive it.