I wasn't sure exactly what heading to place this under so mods feel free to place it correctly.
As some of us know our illustrious leaders in gov, media, commerce etc are into heavy occultic stuff and ancient religions from the old world.
Now maybe I might be reading into something that isn't there but time and time again I have seen alot of symbolisms associated with entertainment
media etc..
To be released officially on June 28 2006
Special night showings begin June 27, 2006 10:00pm and 12:00am
June 28th I looked what day it represented on the pagan calendar...nothing was to be found.
So I looked at June 27th and this is what I found:
Pagan Holiday; June 27th 2006:
New Moon visible after sunset in the western sky.
363 c.e. Martyrdom of Julian, the Blessed, last Pagan Emperor of Rome who sought to bring back the Old Religion.
Graeco-Roman: The Nymphs, maiden companions of Artemis.
Roman: The Lares (ancestral spirits)
They are releasing the film early for obvious reasons; To set a box office record for the weekend.
Now lets look at the peak of when the movie will probably be seen which will be on Friday June 30th 2006 and on through the weekend: "The Sky God"
Superman represents this so called Sky God.. "S" on his chest within a distorted pentagon/pentagram...Illuminati distorts and reverses things
"S" stands for Superman or?
Serpent(Garden), Shatan(hebrew), Set(egyptian), Satan(christian) ???
Pagan Holiday; June 30th 2006:
Feast of the Sky God as named as An (Old Sumerian), Old Sumer and Babylon????..isn't that Iraq???..nothing to worry about.
El (Old Canaanite-Hebrew), Uranus (Old Greek), Svarog (Old Slavic), Obatala (Yoruban), Oonawieh Unggi (Cherokee), Gaoh (Iroquois), Haokah (Sioux) &
Father Sky (Pan-Native American); and Goddess as Nut/Neith (Old Egyptian).
If you look at the symbol that encloses the "S" on Supermans chest you will see that it is a
distorted pentagon 5 sides/distorted
If you were to add the spikes to it to create a pentagram you will see it is in the position as is.. to create the so called Goat (1 point down and 2
points up.
Satanic Pentagram
What are your thoughts???