posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 07:59 AM
I gave you a way above vote for your enlightened attitude. I honestly wish more people would do their research from all points of view before
criticizing, demonizing, or hating freemasonry.
Too many people here believe the garbage spewed on the net by a couple of questioable anti masonic figures and take their ramblings as gospel truth
without researching the accuracy of it first.
I used to believe masons were sinister in creepy. But after actually doing research, listening to some masons themselves, and learning more about
masonry, and then checking the sources and evidence of the anti crowd, I found basically, the vast majority of anti-masonic material out there is
written by extreme right wing religous nuts who hate just about everything not christian or American, or written by people who need to take off the
tin foil hate and get out of the basement a little more often.
I concluded that there was nothing sinister about Freemasonry as an organization and brotherhood, and even found that I admired it for the many good
things it has done and seldom got credit for. I also found that in my search for knowledge and wisdom, I should always check and cross reference the
sources of any claims before I believe them.
it seems you found this out in less time than it took me, so congrats and thank you for sharing.