posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 03:33 AM
the first time (candel flame) happened when me and 2 friends were just talking about spirits (only allowed to smoke in the back porch where there's
no electricity, so we had a candle going) and we got the smell of roses, and watched her for a few minutes until the wind picked up and blew it out.
the other time was also in a candel flame when I was focusing on runes, i also got the smell of roses then as well, and it was much like the first
time. the dream happened a few days later, she was a redhaired woman in the sheet wrapped around her, in a field of roses, she was dancing when I
came up to her and said her name was kale, and laughed, then I woke up. One of my friends had a similar dream, but it took place in a cabin with
roses in a vase he said. the bonfire was just a get-together (none of us are really what you'd call group practitioners as we all have our own ideas
and philosophies on things) it was us 3, the one friend's cousin, the other one's father, brother, and girlfriend and we all saw a woman suddenly in
the fire dancing, and smelled roses, the father just thought he was drunk and laughed it off, the 2 girls thought it was wierd, the brother didn't
see it. I have seen her off and on since then, have tried contacting her on my own but haven't had luck, or a wind picks up (even with all windows
closed) and blows it out.
I have done some research into the occult, magic and the paranormal, mostly utilize norse runes, and kind of practice chaos magic and sigilization,
but have never really tried contacting anything before now.
and before anyone asks, all we've ever smoked was cigars, with tobacco, and me and one of the other guys weren't drinking at the bonfire
[edit on 22-6-2006 by Gren]