i remember reading somewhere that oil companies were buying out people who designed different ways of getting better gas mileage in cars. do you
think it is a bad idea for these oil companies not to incorporate these features into cars? by not doing this, it uses oil up faster and their
companies will just go out of business that much quicker. has anyone else seen the article regarding this? i cant seem to find it
If you look at all the oil CEO's and heads, youll see that they are pretty old. I think that their ways are set and they are too ignorant to think
about global warming. Also, there is plenty of oil around...look up shale oil in the rocky mountains...so they probably are living for the moment, not
thinking about the future. Goes deeper then just looking at someone from an objective view point, they have reasons for doing this, be it ego or
The oil companys arent screwing themselvs you have to bear in mind that every alternative energy idea that they buy out or drive into ground will be
kept under lock and key for future use. If "peak oil " dose occur we will see the oil companys rolling out the alternative energy ideas a number of
years before it happens to ensure they still have a monopoly.
The oil companies aren't going to go out of business when the planet runs out of oil. They'll just switch their product line to offer the new type
of fuel that becomes the standard.
..one which is very hard to answer, imagine, they had this tech since the 1920s or so, why not price the gas higher from the start, make the same
profit and do it much longer?
i don't get it, inertia and stupidity can't be used as an excuse, because these people are ruling the world at the same time.