posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 12:11 PM
Anyone check out Frontline last night, the story of Dick Cheney and the war on terror? Any opinions? Much of what was aired last night can be found in
"The One Percent Doctrine" by Ron Suskind.
Obviously there's a problem with terrorism in this world. And much of this terrorism would seem to be exclusively our problem. And there's no
getting around the fact that we have to deal with terrorism, often, militarily - that is, when we can locate the bad guys. But watching the frontline
story of Deadeye Dick - costarring Donald Rumsfeld, and in a lesser role, George W. Bush - I was overwhelmed by the notion that perhaps we have the
wrong guys in charge. Maybe we could use a little fresh blood in the decision making process up there in the White House? Let's face it, what these
boys have accomplished in Iraq was the opposite of what they intended, because what they've done is created a terrorists state. Now, sure, that
wasn't the plan - the plan was being greeted as liberators - but when you got a pair of jokers ignoring reality because they really want something
else, then you got a problem. Or, I should say: we have a problem. A problem that's not going away.
I know, for some people, impeachment is an ugly word. But our founding father's added it to the constitution for a reason. And maybe we should look
to our founding fathers for a little guidence in this area. I think Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, et al, would pretty much agree what we
really need at this hour is a trapdoor, right there in the Oval Ofiice, and use the damn thing. And the sooner the better. I think they all got a
little brush to clear, don't they, back there at Crawford? Some wing shooting to catch up with?
Mod edit all caps.
[edit on 21-6-2006 by SpittinCobra]