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Brief Discussion Had About Illuminati in The D.C. Temple

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posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 11:53 PM
Text Black

SO I'm in the Mormon Temple in D.C. (yes, I have a recommend, no I will not scan it with my name blacked out) and my wife and I are talking to this older woman and her husband. Suddenly out of left field, she starts blurting things about the Illuminati, the "secret government" that's really in charge of things there. Turns out that this couple has lived there for over 20 years. The husband kind of looks blank as she begins to get into it...almost into a frenzy as she's describing this.

Well, being in the temple is normally a very special and sacred experience, so talking 'politics' is normally frowned upon. My wife and I broke it off politely, but she kept going on and on with anyone who would listen. Finally, another lady who worked in the temple went up and asked her politely to leave that discussion "outside".

With exception of a few movies, I have never heard anyone seriously discussing this group. Her husband made no move to stop her, and to this day I have not seen her again. This was about 13 years ago.

Understand that I will answer some questions about the temple itself, but not the ceremony. I hold the temple sacred as part of my religion.

I thought it would interest some in this "room" as it does have to do with secret societies, and the discussion was held within another edifice considered secret as well.

Fire away...

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 12:19 AM
I guess you are saying that masons themselves believe in the all powerful brotherhood that runs this world and that some of them don't approve of such? If that is the case then this is old news to many conspiracy theorists since many ex-masons have written tell-all books after leaving.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
I guess you are saying that masons themselves believe in the all powerful brotherhood that runs this world and that some of them don't approve of such? If that is the case then this is old news to many conspiracy theorists since many ex-masons have written tell-all books after leaving.

He's not talking about the masons - he's talking about the Mormons. They're quite different.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by Trinityman
He's not talking about the masons - he's talking about the Mormons. They're quite different.

Quite different indeed. In fact, like the poor Masons, they often have fingers pointed at them when it comes to conspiracy.

The following link has some interesting (and according to a former Mormon friend of mine) accurate info about the endowment ceremonies, temple secrets, etc. Can't attest to it myself, as they only let members inside.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
I guess you are saying that masons themselves believe in the all powerful brotherhood that runs this world and that some of them don't approve of such? If that is the case then this is old news to many conspiracy theorists since many ex-masons have written tell-all books after leaving.

Ah, but my friend I am not a Mason....I am a MORMON. I was in the MORMON temple in Washington D.C. The fact that I was in the temple wasn't really the big thing (although I found the event quite interesting when I think back on it) the big issue was that this "blue blood" who had lived in/near Bethesda most of her adult life was so convinced about this group.

I'm sad to say that I did not pursue the matter further at the time, but it's unfortunate. Perhaps she had some information that would have been valuable.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Appak

Originally posted by Trinityman
He's not talking about the masons - he's talking about the Mormons. They're quite different.

Quite different indeed. In fact, like the poor Masons, they often have fingers pointed at them when it comes to conspiracy.

The following link has some interesting (and according to a former Mormon friend of mine) accurate info about the endowment ceremonies, temple secrets, etc. Can't attest to it myself, as they only let members inside.

I'll take a look and can verify some of this. Like I said, I'm not here to give the ceremony away. I hold it as sacred. Unfortunately, there are many ex-members who do not share my beliefs and do not hold them sacred.

For me, my faith dictates that it is a sacred thing and not to be trifled with. But also understand that you can find the full text of our ceremonies at the Library of Congress (Records) where it is a requirement to disclose the text and verbage of the ceremony.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Appak

Originally posted by Trinityman
He's not talking about the masons - he's talking about the Mormons. They're quite different.

Quite different indeed. In fact, like the poor Masons, they often have fingers pointed at them when it comes to conspiracy.

The following link has some interesting (and according to a former Mormon friend of mine) accurate info about the endowment ceremonies, temple secrets, etc. Can't attest to it myself, as they only let members inside.

Yes, I did take a look at this, and most of the rough description is highly accurate, much like the mason's ceremonies that you can now find on-line. But understand that the source material that this author refers to is from an "active but unbelieving" Mormon who has, in fact, violated her covenants by describing in full the temple ceremony. Again, I take this as a very un-trivial thing and most unfortunate that she takes her oaths and covenants with God so lightly.

That being said, there is also some reference to things that were said and done in the temple that are no longer done. I will explain that these "influences" into the temple ceremonies do come from men and many of these men, including Brigham Young, were Masons as well. Some of the ritualistic things that have since been cut out of the temple ceremony I think bled in through their Masonic exposure and practices (such as the oaths that involve death). There is one input that goes into the whole Adam/God thing that I have heard again and again. It states that prior to 1909, the temple depicts Adam having had intercourse with Mary which produced Jesus. I find this to be an outright falsehood and sheer blasphemy propogated by opponents to the church. Many claim that Brigham Young concocted this and it is published, although I have yet to see this anywhere on any printed document in my lifetime. Also, prior to 1909, there were only partial and incomplete documents for the temple ceremony. So I'm not buying this.

Anyway, there's my read into this material. I would say read what you want and evaluate yourself, but don't believe everything you read. Look also very closely at the "fruit on the tree" as those who are doing the right things produce good fruit, and it is apparent when "bad fruit" appears. The fruit is on the tree when you look at Mormons as a whole. Understand too, that the FBI's top ten list contains a false prophet who is completely disowned and not affiliated with us in any way. They are what i call a "splinter faction" who has gone their own way to pursue carnal things.

So there you go. What started as Illuminati has, in fact, gone into temple discussion.

but that's long as all opinions are expressed for what they are.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Anon4this1

Ah, but my friend I am not a Mason....I am a MORMON. I was in the MORMON temple in Washington D.C. The fact that I was in the temple wasn't really the big thing (although I found the event quite interesting when I think back on it) the big issue was that this "blue blood" who had lived in/near Bethesda most of her adult life was so convinced about this group.

I'm sad to say that I did not pursue the matter further at the time, but it's unfortunate. Perhaps she had some information that would have been valuable.

I would say she's probably an Internet junkie who's spent just a little too much time on the websites of Cutting Edge and Jack Chick.

I've seen it a million times before.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Anon4this1
So there you go. What started as Illuminati has, in fact, gone into temple discussion.
but that's long as all opinions are expressed for what they are.

Well, it would appear from your first post which started out discussing the Illuminati and morphed into

Understand that I will answer some questions about the temple itself, but not the ceremony. I hold the temple sacred as part of my religion.
I thought it would interest some in this "room" as it does have to do with secret societies, and the discussion was held within another edifice considered secret as well. Fire away...

that a "temple discussion" was what you wanted in the first place. Since you hold the ceremonies sacred, and no one has really asked any questions about them, what do you wish us to know? Fire away.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
I would say she's probably an Internet junkie who's spent just a little too much time on the websites of Cutting Edge and Jack Chick.

I've seen it a million times before.

Not so sure about this. This incident happened quite a few years ago (1993) and just sort of "came back to me" as I started reading this board. This woman was also well into her 60's or beyond.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Appak

Originally posted by Anon4this1
So there you go. What started as Illuminati has, in fact, gone into temple discussion.
but that's long as all opinions are expressed for what they are.

Well, it would appear from your first post which started out discussing the Illuminati and morphed into


that a "temple discussion" was what you wanted in the first place. Since you hold the ceremonies sacred, and no one has really asked any questions about them, what do you wish us to know? Fire away.

Still maintain that I'm trying to shy away from particulars on the temple itself...but I just found it interesting that an older woman (60+) would go on and on with such conviction about the Illuminati and how it's all really "running things". Her claims went back to JFK from what she claimed to be "first hand" knowledge.

Now when I look back in it, I kick myself for not asking more questions of her later on that night (like in the parking lot). Maybe she felt safe in there...maybe just being there "inspired" her somehow to expound to anyone who would listen (and I mean more than one person's ear was bent that night with her ravings).

An interesting incident that I just thought I'd bring up.

Anyone else experience anyone like this? Besides so-called "nuts" on the internet talking about it? Remember, this was an old woman back in '93 who had lived in D.C. much of her adult life (got that before she went into the Illuminati thing).

[edit on 21-6-2006 by Anon4this1]

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 04:26 PM
It really doesn't do much good to talk about somehting that one is virtually powerless to change.

Most people who make mention of such matters in inopportune times/places are usually "making comments out of context".

THis woman sounds like she has a lot on her mind that is interfering with her ability to acknowledge and appreciate the NOW.

Either that, or she's ignored by her husband as home and just felt she had to contribute something (ANYTHING!ANYTHING!) to the conversation.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by GENERAL EYES
It really doesn't do much good to talk about somehting that one is virtually powerless to change.

Most people who make mention of such matters in inopportune times/places are usually "making comments out of context".

THis woman sounds like she has a lot on her mind that is interfering with her ability to acknowledge and appreciate the NOW.

Either that, or she's ignored by her husband as home and just felt she had to contribute something (ANYTHING!ANYTHING!) to the conversation.

Your avitar is hilarious enough for me to reply! Good stuff! I don't know if that was the deal or not. They both were friendly enough, and they seemed like a nice "couple". Like I say, don't know why I posted this here, but it was a story to get off my chest, and something else I read here must have triggered that old memory.

It was strange as we were just having the normal "get to know you" conversation...very pleasant and all that. It got into "how long have you lived in D.C."? and then it spun her into that for some reason.

Like I said, had ATS existed back in 1993, I think we would have been in luck. We could have done an ATS interview..."Inside the Illuminati".


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