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Does Anyone Wonder How We Have Came So Far So Quickly?

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posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Elementary, my dear Watson. When aliens crashed in Roswell in 1947 we immediatedly started reverse engineering what we found.

Well since this is a conspiracy website. Take a gander at this. There used to be a full website on the back of his company page...can't seem to find it yet. I remember it being a pretty good read. Let me know if you see the site.

Hmm.... Fiber optics, Compact disks,

Reverse engineering from Roswell 1947

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 08:41 PM
PErsonally, I like to stay below the "Radar", I have never owned a cell phone, my puter at home is not hooked to the internet(Not mention it's a windows '95),LOL, I have never had a credit card, I don't put my money in a bank and I screen all of my phone calls with an answering machine that I bought at the local Dollar Store!!!

So, "Take that,Techie's!!"

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by thematrix
Imagine how far we would be if mankinds development wasn't halted dead in its tracks for nearly 1800 years because of religion.

I used to think that way, you need to view religion as a step in that development, human development, sadly...

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 03:39 AM
Because of religious persecution everything science was outlawed and you could be put to death for doing any kind of research that wasn't sanctioned by the Church.

If you just look at the discoveries and inventions Michelangelo made, try to imagine how the world would have been if everyone had the freedom to research and experiment like he did.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by thematrix
If you just look at the discoveries and inventions Michelangelo made, try to imagine how the world would have been if everyone had the freedom to research and experiment like he did.

Aren't you talking about Davinci? I am unaware of Michaelangelo's inventions and discoveries beyond the art world.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 07:15 PM
And for all of man's great achievements in science and technology, violence continues to intensify and spread.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by Agentdemon
And for all of man's great achievements in science and technology, violence continues to intensify and spread.

Really? So in your view WW1,2 and Korea were just abnormal blips?

Hate to break it to you, but our species has been at war pretty much perpetually since the beggining.

The fact of the matter is, the more our technologies progress violence decentralizes and becomes much less intense. Just think what the world would be like without ICBMs and Nuclear weapons. WW3 could have literally followed on the heels of WW2 with Stalin consolidating his territory, then invading europe, S. East Asia, Africa, and the Mid-East. Could we have stopped him with convensional forces? Maybe, but it would take years, maybe even decades of fighting.

As for Spreading, where are you getting that from? A couple wars in the Middle East and a couple of civil wars and rebellions in other backwater countries doesn't jive with your characterisation.

The more destructive war becomes due to technological innovations, the less desirable it becomes to wage war on a wide scale. Something called Mutually Assured Distruction or some such.

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 05:57 AM
How we came so far so quickly?? far where?
We haven't made a major scientific breakthrough since 1900.
We still make everything on the same basis.

- Transportation stayed THE SAME
cars/charriots had 4 wheels and they needed roads to drive on. Thats a thousand year old concept. The difference now is we try to put more 'goodies' in it.
Airplanes (although primitive) had wings to fly.. it was the same principle and hasn't changed in 100 years.
Rockets are cylinder shaped and pointy, propeled by gas -The same since the guy who invented the first rocket! Noone bothered to make a better basis or question the old. And we use a 100 year old concept to fly things to other planets. COME ON!! how silly is that?

- Electricity concepts stayed the same
100 years ago, electricity was introduced and started to be available to all people. Tesla invented all the appliances needed.. generators,transformators,turbines,catodes, radio transmission... All the past 100 years we use these same things - We push the technology further in these places but we never make anything NEW. Its all based on a 100 year old concept. Noone even bothered to develop things further - we just used the concept we had available to make as much goodies as possible out of it. Transformators, turbines,etc. are still being build the same way as 100 years ago.
Your hi-end computer, cellphone and whatnot is just a... ..ah forget it. no point in saying it.

Well we've been sticking our heads in the same barrel for a long time.

[edit on 23/6/06 by Urizen]

posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 11:12 AM
Necessity is the mother of invention. Cell phones are common place because there is a need to manufacture more silicon, erect towers, launch more satelittes, download mp3s, etc.
It is also a bit conceited to say that we have come so far. Where have we gone? More than half the planet is dirt poor, disease ridden, uneducated, lazy and expected to die at age 50.

Originally posted by thematrix
If you just look at the discoveries and inventions Michelangelo made, try to imagine how the world would have been if everyone had the freedom to research and experiment like he did.

You are talking about hundreds of years ago, today, with a student loan up to $30k-$100k, anyone can obtain an undergraduate science degree and move on to graduate school and take part in some form of research. Though, it does not change the fact that very few people plan careers in science. If necessity is the mother of invention, then desire is the required constituent for necessity to give birth.

posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Osobad28
its just extreme exponential growth.

Exactly my thoughts.

Perfect example is Steve Hawking's theory that "space is finite, but unbounded".

In a day and age where the brightest minds believe that the Earth is flat, i'd expect people to be working on problems from totally incorrect prespectives. As we learn more about our surrounding and how they work, we open new ways of understanding other fundamental problems which we could not answer previously.

The complexity of our universe leads me to believe that our minds at the moment are just not able to comprehend certain aspects of it. Who knows, maybe in the course of time as we accumulate more understanding of the universe our own capabilities could evolve to accomodate an ever expanding amount of knowledge, insight and understanding.

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 05:04 AM
Pavil: yeah XD thats what ya get for posting when you shoulda been in bed for a long time already.

Anyways, if Christianity and Islam weren't around, people would've been free to persue science, inventions and other discoveries. The same thing is happening right now again with the masive uprise of all flavors of Christianity in the US.

Heck, there are christian groups that "don't believe in" medicine and refuse to get any kind of treatment from hospitals and docters if the docters don't practice prayer healing.

We would be a spacefaring race by now if it wasn't for religious roadblocks and persecution.

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by Agentdemon
And for all of man's great achievements in science and technology, violence continues to intensify and spread.

If it wasn't for war we probably wouldn't have half the technology we have today(you have to look at both sides of the coin) War and technology advancement go hand in hand

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by the matrix
Anyways, if Christianity and Islam weren't around, people would've been free to pursue science, inventions and other discoveries. The same thing is happening right now again with the massive uprise of all flavors of Christianity in the US.

No worries on the typo TM.

However your Monotheistic claim doesn't hold water when China and India for most of humanity's rise have been relatively free from Christianity, Islam or Judaism. While some advancements, no major changes.

We as humans are pretty good at coming up with reasons to bash the other tribes person on the head for ohhhhh 2 Million years or so.

I can just picture it:

Grog and Ug.

Grog: Look what I've found "Fire"!

Ug: (SMACKS Grog on the head) Grog falls on fire.

Ug and his Tribe wait another 6 generations to find fire.

Some Natural Selection there huh?

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