posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 07:19 PM
Generally speaking, I don't think violence gets enough respect as one of the most historically successful agents in resolving international
conflicts, however I have observed something recently that may hint at a problem with the war on terror.
People are competing for the wrath of the US! I'm reminded a bit of "The Mouse That Roared" (a movie where an impovrished nation decides to declare
war on America so that they can lose and be rebuilt).
Iran is leading the pack at the moment, probably because its geographic position makes it a threat to oil supplies and to continental Europe.
North Korea is an impressive close second; it's just that they aren't doing a good enough job of publicizing the human cost of their evil.
Saudi Arabia mostly sits in the background; they've got a refined, subtly threatening sort of "James Bond Villain" evil about them. They recently
suggested that an attack on Iran could triple the price of oil.
Forgive me if I sound a bit like your kindgergarten teacher (the answer is just this elementary), but why not just ignore them?
I don't mean stick our head in the sand and let it happen, don't get me wrong. I'm just curious why we obsess over it? We have a crisis fetish here
in America. I can't find any other way to see it. We live for a good emergency; it's like TV with better special effects and a more realistic
Here's my idea:
1. Quietly resolve never to sit down at the table with North Korea- bilateral or otherwise. They've got nothing we want, they pose no legitimate
threat to anything we care about, unless you buy into the gross oversimplification that they are crazy and may launch for no reason at all. Just let
them wallow in squallor for as long as they see fit, and if by some miracle they ever decide that we aren't coming for them and decide to cut their
military budget and fund something resembling good government, send them a fruit basket and a note saying welcome to the neighborhood.
2. Stop offering stuff to Iran. We tried it. It was the right thing to do at the time. They've been very clear that they aren't interested. So give
them enough rope to hang themselves with. Quietly give the neighborhood what they need in terms of theater missile defenses to stay safe, then wait
for Iran to do something wrong. If they threaten somebody else with nukes, or God forbid use them, there'll be no blaming whoever kicks their teeth
in for it; preferably Israel since they are the ones with the most riding on this, but I wouldn't flip if we did it either.
3. Forget the Saudis. Americans shouldn't be mad at the oil producers, they should be mad at those who are keeping us from having other alternatives.
Our government's idea of reducing our dependence on oil is to drill for our own oil. That doesn't fix the fundemental problem; infact it doesn't
fix ANY problems, because we all know that if the world price is high, the companies pulling the oil out of Alaska have to turn a profit, and they'll
charge us the same high price, or export to somebody else who's paying that high price.
I see a lot of one-up-manship going on among the nations that want us to be afraid of them lately and I don't see why we're making a big production
out of half-way fighting them when we clearly aren't serious about really knocking the snot out of them. We're that guy who just sits around making
mean faces, chasing people just a few steps then stopping, but never actually hitting the people who mess with him, and people keep messing with him
because they get a rise out of him and never actually end up paying the piper.
I've got an Axis of Evil for you guys, and my Axis is WAY more sinister than yours. American Government, The Global Economy, and the UN. They made up
the other Axis to keep you distracted.