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Questions: Grand Orient de France (Freemasonry)

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posted on Jun, 18 2006 @ 08:06 PM

After moving to France about three years ago from the US, I am considering becoming a Freemason (for many reasons I won't get into here... though it might be significant to note that members of my family have been involved with a lodge in the southern US for decades). However, I understand that French Freemasonry and Anglo-American Freemasonry are fairly different. Notably (from what I understand), the Grand Orient de France lodge is quite influencial in Paris and has no equivalent stateside.

Does anyone have any experience with the Grand Orient? Anyone care to share their personal views on the Grand Orient de France vs Grand Lodge de France schism?

For the moment, the Grande Orient seems to be more interesting to me. From what I hear it allows discussion of religion and politics in its lodges, whereas most lodges do not. Can anyone here validate this? Also, I understand that the degrees in the GODF are issued as the candidate presents masonic-based philosophical papers (or something to this effect). Is the GODF lodge politically slanted, in comparison with other freemasonic organizations? And what of esoterics in the two structures?

Finally, I'm impressed by the GODF's stance on the admission of women. Any progressive organization would operate similiarly as a prerequisite to my application. Can any non-GODF masons account for this? Also, as a Buddhist, I appreciate the lack of forced belief in a "Grand Architect" found in the GODF lodges--why is this not universal among lodges?

Any information you could provide would be much appreciated. Cheers.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 02:43 AM
I think you're in the wrong forum. Try posting your question here


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