posted on Jun, 18 2006 @ 06:08 PM
Thanks MrPenney, i hadnt thought of that..i think you might be party right because i dont drink water as much as i should. However i do still drink
water, i drink energy drinks every now and then also and i have been drinking a lot of those lately. The dizziness does seem to get better when i work
on keeping my eating and drinking habbits in order, however, it never fully goes away. Sometimes it gets to the point where i think im over it, but it
always returns. Im really into weight lifting and it seems that the time when i most notice it is when i am doing the incline bench press. When i lay
down on the bench and look up at the bar i have to wait about 30 secs or 1 min before i actually start because the room is spinning. and it has been
over 2 months. I am just worried that this will turn into a chronic illness and i really do not want that. I did some research into what it might be
and i came up with Benign positional vertigo, what do you think?