posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 11:48 AM
You do dream. You just don't remember them.
Try this. As you get comfortable to go to sleep, tell yourself (out loud or in your head) that you WANT to remember your dreams, you NEED to remember
your dreams, you WILL remember your dreams.
Do this ever night. KNOW that you are able to do this. Keep a notebook and pencil at your bed side - often we have fragments left or at least
feelings left and they go away quickly as soon as we move around.
When you wake up, don't move. Just keep your eyes closed and let your mind stay where it's at. You may not remember an entire dream, but you may
remember a wood carving or door or hall way or person (farmiliar or stranger). You may only have a feeling of 'good or not good' or something.
Write it down.
Try this for a while. If that's not enough, continue doing that, but add to it this:
Set your alarm clock to go off at about 90 minutes aftr you fall asleep. If you wake up during a dream, you'll remember it. It should take aprox 90
minutes to get into dream time. Tinker with the amount of time you set your alarm clock for.
There are other methods, but try these first, they should be most helpful.