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WTC 9/11 Site - Molten Metal & Copper Oxide Thermite

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posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Griff
Not to mention the threat of a building (say WTC7) that houses top secret material. What is a fail safe way to ensure nothing gets out when there is a fire? I would say pre-planted demolitions would do the trick, wouldn't you?

IF it were solely a gov't building or military building than I could see this being possible, however, in a civilian building:

Who would insure a building with BOMBS in it?
Who would risk giving terrorists a "loaded gun"?

I am certain that civilian buildings are constructed with demolition in mind. I know it is part of the design process. But to convince me that large buildings in this country are just sitting there with incindaries/explosives/BOMBS waiting to be detonated is ridiculous.

Over time to many people in too many buildings would find them and the secret would get out. Too many buildings, too many janitors to control this 'secret'.

There would also be too much of a question regarding the integrity of these devices after a century or so.

Buildings are not constructed to be demolished in less than a century as far as I know.

As far as the "just in case it is going to fall we can blow it up theory"... You are basically saying the explosives AND the detonators and the systems to time them are all in play from day one... NO WAY. This is silly.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by seattlelaw
I agree. Who would have thought that remote controlling of commercial aircraft was possible, let alone in place, before 9-11?

This is VERY different than pre-placing BOMBS in large buildings when built. Remote controlling the planes would require access to LIMITED control centers owned and operated by the FAA/NORAD/whoever.

Getting to the explosives in a building that is accessable by 100,000K a day is far less of a challenge.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 02:25 PM
I totally agree with you slap nuts. That is why I have stated over and over that I personally do not hold to this theory but just that it could be plausible...other than the things you have pointed out.

My theory.....thermite/mate was planted in the core somehow. Which wouldn't need much, just enough to render the core useless. And in doing so, would pull the floors down with it....making them appear like they were sagging (sound familiar?). Then the transfer system on the top would redistribute the loads to the outer columns. The outer columns would exceed their designed load bearing and in combination with the already failing floors would buckle at the impact zones (zones where the outer columns have lost the most structural integrity). That is how I think this scenerio could have happened with the least amount of people/time/explosives (not really explosives but for a lack of better terminology) and also have no explosions that could be heard or seen. Just my theory and could be proven wrong if someone wants take with a grain of salt if you wish.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 02:29 PM
I'm quite sure bomb sniffing dogs will not be able to point out thermite or thermate bundles.
And also not the prefered electrical sparkers to ignite them.
Nor the gsm beepers to set off the sparkers.
And dogs will have checked preferably only the publicly accessable spaces and parkings, not the maintenance shafts, floors, elevators etc.

And if the main loadbearing collumns in the top mechanical double floors were cut at a down- and inward angle, they would have slipped down inward the shafts, thus ripping the floortrusses downwards and causing an inward bending of the connected exterior wall pieces.
Same goes for the lowest demolition points, probably circa 20 meters above the bedrock, which will have been the last radio signals to disconnect the massive bottom collumns by thermate cutter charges.

And that mental picture looks eerily the same as that photo from ground zero with all them diagonally cut remnants of inner core steel collumns. With yellowish streams of sulphur contaminants on the lower parts, under the cuts.

(Mirthfull_Me: thanks for pointing out the new rules)

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Slap Nuts
Buildings are not constructed to be demolished in less than a century as far as I know.

Depends on the building. A two story brick house may hold for a lot longer, but we're talking huge steel skyscrapers, post-WW2 construction. Their aging brings on structural problems that become huge issues.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11

Originally posted by Slap Nuts
Buildings are not constructed to be demolished in less than a century as far as I know.

Depends on the building. A two story brick house may hold for a lot longer, but we're talking huge steel skyscrapers, post-WW2 construction. Their aging brings on structural problems that become huge issues.

I can assure you that skyscrapers in Manhattan are designed to last at least 100 years.

What structural issues are you referring to that ensure a short life span?

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Griff
My theory.....thermite/mate was planted in the core somehow.

We are on the same page pretty much.

Thermate/mite to do in the core seems pretty logical at this point.

The querstion that remains with that is what caused the explosive forces that ejected pieces and turned concerete to dust?

Not gravity and, not thermite as they both lack even a fraction of the potential energy required for such occurences.

Who knows. At this point all I want is a new investigation and the release of the evidence.

That is all anyone OTHER than the "debunkers" want. The truth.

Enough speculation RELEASE THE EVIDENCE.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Slap Nuts
The querstion that remains with that is what caused the explosive forces that ejected pieces and turned concerete to dust?

That's a good question and one that needs addressed. I know I'm going to get flack for this because I've argued on the other side, but the concrete may have been pulverized because it was lightweight. We'd have to know what the specs for the concrete were before we could come to any conclusion. If it was low strength lightweight concrete, it may have just been the forces involved (not sure if I would still believe this though). Just trying to think it through using all avenues.

Who knows. At this point all I want is a new investigation and the release of the evidence.

I concure wholeheartedly.

Edit: But then, what would I do to pass the time at work? Actually work? Yikes.

[edit on 6/21/2006 by Griff]

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