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personal proof that "God" is a MYTH, read on...

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posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 05:18 AM
i am new to this thread but i will say one thing. dont belive in a higher being who is said to control the human race because if you belive in it and you ask for something like 'to protect your loved one' and similar you will always be dishartened when it ignores your ask for aid and then you will be angry with it along with other things.

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by dbrandt

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
what type of loving god gives people free will, then punishes them for not making a choice they aren't told is the right one?

Adam was told what consequences would happen if he made the wrong choice.

Genesis 2:[15] And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
[16] And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
[17] But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

We don't know if God also told Eve or if Adam had the responsibility of telling her. But when Eve was facing satan Adam was with her so she and he were without excuse.

if god knew that adam was going eat from the tree why the hell did he put it there is he that much of an ass?

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 08:40 PM
i feel your pain man. I think if there is a god he is evil. I lost my child in august of 2004 she died at birth, and yet I still prayed to god for my other family, then June 2nd comes along and BAM!, god strikes again, and takes my other 2 kids away from me, not by death, but by allowing a court to take my visitation, so basically, i lost my family. So I feel the same way in a sense.

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by l0rds0fcha0s
i feel your pain man. I think if there is a god he is evil. I lost my child in august of 2004 she died at birth, and yet I still prayed to god for my other family, then June 2nd comes along and BAM!, god strikes again, and takes my other 2 kids away from me, not by death, but by allowing a court to take my visitation, so basically, i lost my family. So I feel the same way in a sense.

i hear ya partner. it sucks to loose people you love when someone above COULD have helped, doesnt it? to bad god hides like a little girl and doesnt let me curse at his face!

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by worksoftplayhard
here is my story that is also my reason for not believing God anymore and even not wanting to go to heaven at all.

my last ex was supposed to be the one... we had a wedding planned, loved eatchother and everything was sweet, the good life as some would call it. then out of nowhere while i was working this asshole rapes my ex, gets her pregnant and screws up her brain, her thinking.

few weeks later my ex decides to go driving with a bunch of guys high on drugs.... the car crashes because the pot head driver fell asleep at the wheel. guess who got hurt and who didnt??? with the glory of gods love my girlfriend dies of seriouse injuries... and the driver and potheads??? they escape with scratches. oh and they never even went to court, what a world.

not only that i was praying to god to keep my ex safe while i was working and she was alone pregnant, and what do i get??? basically god took a big dump on my head and forgot about me. now im alone, confused and ignorant of religion. i would rather be a member or hells army than go to a place where higher powers that can help humans do not. i dont want any part of an ignorant place like heaven.
as far as im concerned god can kiss my hairy behind.

what im trying to say is do you understand why i dont believe in god?! do you understand why i hate god and dont want to go to heaven?!

if anyone has any comments or advice id like to hear em, but please, semi intelligent comments and advice, i just had my heart ripped out and stomped on but help is appreciated.

[edit on 17-6-2006 by worksoftplayhard]

to quote some pretty intelligent (and unusually funny) guys in my local music scene..."heaven's just a special place in hell, where you can watch the people you hate get hurt"

the world is a brutal, horrible, unforgiving place where 'fair' isn't even in the cards. some of us get lucky, most of us break even. as much as it hurts, remember that if you're not willing to let life go on, you're never going to see things get better.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by 25cents
to quote some pretty intelligent (and unusually funny) guys in my local music scene..."heaven's just a special place in hell, where you can watch the people you hate get hurt"

the world is a brutal, horrible, unforgiving place where 'fair' isn't even in the cards. some of us get lucky, most of us break even. as much as it hurts, remember that if you're not willing to let life go on, you're never going to see things get better.

my lifes not gonna get any better anyway. how the hell is it supposed to get better after my woman is taken away from me! what the hell am i supposed to love now? theres no hope for me :-(

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 02:12 PM
have it your way. if you're weak, maybe you don't belong here.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by worksoftplayhard

my lifes not gonna get any better anyway. how the hell is it supposed to get better after my woman is taken away from me! what the hell am i supposed to love now? theres no hope for me :-(

I personally believe your girlfriend is still 'alive' (perhaps more alive now than ever) and is waiting for the day when you two get to see each other again. Do not give up hope on that... because it's something that nobody will EVER be able to prove to you for sure that it does or doesn't exist.

Aside from that, what would your girlfriend want you to do? Would she want you to give on life and adopt hopelessness as a new religion? Would she want you to throw everything away because of her? I doubt it. I know how much you loved/love her but she would probably want you to move on with your life. Not forget about her-- you can always remember and think about her. But don't stop living because of it. Dedicate your life from here on out to her memory.... maybe there's something you can do that would even produce a little bit of good from her death, like speaking out against driving while intoxicated, making choices, etc etc.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 04:30 PM
dI'm sorry for your loss. There is nothing I can say that could possibly releave such pain.

My cousin was raped and murdered at the age of 13. An urban legend surfaced after her death, her grave often has things stolen/broken, and her story has been twisted to fit the agenda of various groups that talk to students to further their message, giving her a terrible image. My uncle(with my dad in the car) had every bone in his body shattered when corrupt police officers thinking he was a drug runner drove him into a horrible accident. We've had much more happen, but that scratches the surface.

Because of my background, I've had similar thoughts. After retreating from Christianity, and studying mysticism and philosophy, I've come to a different conclusion.

I believe in God. However, not as some holy old dude with a big heart sitting on a throne, or as some kind-hearted robed youth(if 32 is to be considered youth, lol). To me, God is the sum collective of all forms of life throughout existance. Therefore, it is impersonal, and doesn't get involved in the protection/active judging of people.

My understanding is, everything is made up of energy. Energy, in whatever form is moved by the mind. The mind, however clear is moved by desire. Everything in life is dirven by desire. "I want to live/die", "I want to go home" "I want to say something to that guy over there." Our desires direct our minds. Even if the desire is to clear the mind and remove the desire's hold over us. So, this being as such, energy/reality is constantly being manifested/percieved by different people in different directions. This makes the natural state of the universe chaotic. Greater focus=greater manifestation. This is shown by the Law of Attraction success principle. Your mind brings into your life what harmonizes with your most dominant thoughts. Then, by getting excited about these thoughts, and taking strong steps towards your desire, you bring these things into your life. Everyone from CEO's to dictators have used these principles to bring about their dreams.

However, there is order to the chaos. These are the universal laws. Cause/effect, (all of the laws of hermes basically, look it up, it's very interesting.) The spiral nature of reality, boils down to "history repeats." Night always turns into day. The leaves always coat the ground in the Fall. Difficulties in life repeat themselves in your life, and those around you. This is the order that balances chaos. This order allows one to stabilize their perception enough to learn different life lessons and challenges. By learning painful lessons, you can lessen, or remove altogether a difficult situation from your life. I refer to things on this type of scale as macrocosmic events in your life, though macrocosmic things are usually referred to as something that effects all/many.

Tragic one time things, like what happened in your life are a result of the will of other people being manifested. We tend to take life/freedom for granted, so our thoughts are almost never dominantly on safety/living/being happy. However, a potential rapist has very focused thoughts, and a strong will to take what they want, overriding their victims.

What happened after her rape was quite tragic, but no matter how you pray for someone to get better, or to recover, at times, their will is no longer to live, or to regain stability in their lives. It's sometimes to get away from the pain, from life. When a person's life gets turned upside down, and if things cannot be the way they were in their perception, they will seek the escape of death more dominantly than not. When a person has no will to live, they may turn to drugs, or dangerous/wreckless things, or they might not. But it will draw death to them more quickly, than a more stable/willing to live person.

People who don't have a will to live never survive major operations/diseases. I did not know her, but perhaps by the accident, they wanted life more.

[edit on 26-7-2006 by TheGreySwordsman]

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 04:47 PM
To continue my thought.

When people lose stability in their lives, many are not able to get their feet on the ground again. There are stories of Jesus(think of him what you may, not my concern) where he was unable to heal a dying child. His apostles ask "Why could you not save this boy?" to which the response is "he didn't want to get better, he wanted death. There was nothing I could do."

Almost all of us know of someone, or has a friend who knows someone that had some terrible disease that the doctors couldn't do anything about, and the person died. Even against the prayers and strong intentions of others cannot override a strong desire to get away from the pain. Sometimes they know, even after recover they wouldn't be the same again, so they don't think fighting for life is worth it. My grandfather had asbestoses he was vibrant, and was getting better, doing very well. He could talk and walk around, even though he was on oxygen. He still left the house too. He was planning on getting better. Then his doctor looked at his charts "Joe, there's nothing we can do. You're going to die." The next day he fell into it, he was barely able to speak, and unable to move. Within a few days, he was dead.

I believe this principle extends to the -physically- healthy. If you want to die, and you're in an accident, you're much more likely to die than the guy next to you who wants strongly to live.

Sometimes bad things happen without such a clear, strong cause. Maybe a disease comes on, or there is an injury. These could happen for a few reasons. One, someone wants to do you harm. Two, you were not paying attention/were not thinking of your safety/health Three, you cultivated an unhealthy habit/diet. These things are cause/effect related as well. There are other things that could happen to influence these areas, but these are major. A rare fourth reason these things could occur in your life is to give you an obstacle in life. It is said that if one endures much hardship, and tastes great pain, and has difficulties, yet overcomes these, they will be more capable of overcomign greater tasks that would have squashed them previously.

A fitness example of what I just said. If I never worked out in my life, and I did a very intense sprint, and really pushed myself for the workout, it would be very very hard for me to gather up the will/desire to do a workout 5 times as intense, or to walk 15 miles in the desire in 100 degree heat. However, if I was used to that strain/discomfort, I could surely handle alot more than if I never did things that made me uncomfortable.

These are just some principles I follow in life. They answer for me many of the questions I find people asking frequently. I hope I explained my understanding of these tragic situations from a spiritual point of view in a manner that can be absorbed.


[edit on 26-7-2006 by TheGreySwordsman]

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