posted on Jun, 16 2006 @ 05:04 PM
An organization claiming links to East-Germany's late secret-police is trying to take over Iceland by fighting a ferocious campaign on terror.
Apparently they have discovered that organism are hardware programmed with DNA or strings of A,G,C,T (the bases that make up our DNA), just as
computers are programmed with strings of 0s and 1s.
They claim that someone infiltrated the mainframe that we are all connected to and brainwashed al-Qaeda to attack on: 9/11 (New York), 3/11 (Madrid),
7/7 (London) and were or are trying to strike 2/2 (Copenhagen). Apparently the goal was or is to send a message: (9th, 3rd, 7th, 2nd letters of the
English alphabet: I,C,G,B = I see George Bush) + (11th, 11th, 7th, 2nd = K,K,G,B = ?).
Apparently the 2/2 = B/B attack on Copenhagen was or is to be some kind of reference to Hamlet: "2b or not 2b that is the question."
Apparently their plan for thwarting terrorists permanently is encoded in the David Bowie song: "Life on Mars?"