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Originally posted by The Mongler
I'm tired and can't really say more except for this: focusing on the individual will wind up with a society of pot-smoking hippies, crackheads, and homosexuals, while focusing on the state will wind up with a sustainable society.
posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
I support libertarian ideas as opposed to those of the left or right. I like the best of both worlds that allows a society where people will succeed and fail on their own merits. [Edited by Don W]
Where people's bodies and property belong to themselves, not the government who thinks they know what’s best for everyone else.
I support legalization and regulation of all illegal drugs. The war on drugs has been a dismal failure. I don't care if my neighbor wants to poison his body with drugs. If my neighbor is becoming a threat to others with his behavior, arrest him and throw him in the clink. End of story.
But don't waste my illegally collected tax dollars on a pointless "war" that’s an insult to common sense and human dignity. Prohibition did not work. Neither will the War on Drugs.
I have the same view of prostitution and gambling. Prostitution is the worlds oldest profession. Making it illegal is a joke. As long as men want meaningless sex and specific pleasures and have the cash to pay for them, there will be women willing to oblige.
Besides, marriage is pretty much legally sanctioned prostitution.
I also believe the government should not be able to claim eminent domain and seize peoples property so easily.
And certainly, private real estate developers should NEVER be able to force people to sell their houses so they can build condos or another mall.
I also think that the states should have more rights to govern as they see fit within a basic Constitutional framework. I believe power must be reduced by the federal government to create federal laws. What the hell do a bunch of idiots in Washington know about life in a far western state? The feds need to stick to external affairs such as foreign relations and the military.
I am also very isolationist. I do not like our military being stationed all over the world. Screw these tin pot dictators and idiots in some countries who seem to be content killing each other. Our soldiers should be on American soil, where they are wanted, respected, appreciated, and needed. If war breaks out elsewhere, so what. Unless they are directly threatening or attacking us, I honestly don’t care.
That’s just a few reasons why I support Libertarians. Not all libertarian polices I agree with, but in my opinion, they have the best overall plan for creating a saner, better America. Greatness isn’t measured in money or power, but how unusual and free a country is. I don’t want America to be a superpower. I want it to be my beloved country. [Edited by Don W]
But once we get above that level of drugs, we get into very large potential harm. Unless you are going to advocate ritual cannibalism we are going to be stuck with a lot of zombie like people. It will be “eat’em” or “feed’em.” They need help. Our help. These people are in one of several groups we call “discards.”
The homeless. The mentally ill. And etc. Someone once said a society is measured by how it treats its helpless.
And for the single parent - usually a young girl - we need to get help to them ASAP. They deserve and need our help.
It is fair to say without the 16th Amendment America would have been overrun by the Japanese and Germans in the 1940s.
Not really, Mr S. Although I support no-fault divorce, I still acknowledge (a good) marriage is the best environment to raise children in.
In most states and in most instances, the property owner is offered a lot more than the appraised value. Not infrequently 2.5X. The rights you refer to are called the 5th Amendment Due Process rights.
City councils or county commissions or state legislatures decide they want to re-vitalize or make over a neighborhood. We cannot allow a person or two to block the aspirations of thousands.
posted by radardog
(1) Interesting speculation, but another would be that Japan and Germany would not have touched the United States if they thought it were not a threat. The US was actively against the previous imperialistic policies of the Japanese in the Pacific, and was actively helping England against the Germans in terms of food, and even war materials. All of this from a supposedly neutral nation. (2) Germany did not declare war on the world from the start, nor did Japan. [Edited by Don W]
I believe marriage ought to be a religious ceremony. Only a religious ceremony.
Receiving more than the market value for a property is meaningless when measured against the ideal involved. (1) Unfortunately, the ownership of property has already been rendered meaningless through various legal precedents. (2) The issue here is the government coercing you through legal means to sell your property to the government itself or other developers at a price they set.
... Unless we wanted to face the world alone, we had to make a move, and the logical move was to support Great Britain. To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, the”world cannot exist have slave, and half free.”
2) Germany did declare war on the US on December 11, 1941. That made FDR’s job so much easier as there was already a ground rumble we should fight only the Japanese.
Why would you say that? What does it matter to others (libertarians) who gets married or who does not or who marries those that do?
1) I think you are way way overstating the case, Mr R/D. 70 million Americans are homeowners and 5 million own private businesses. That’s a lot of people who believe owning property has real meaning. That does not make you wrong, it just puts you in a small minority.
2) In every state I have lived in, if you reject the offer, the case goes to the jury to set the sales price. I don’t know how you could have a better system to do something that is admittedly compromises the ethereal rights of property. America was the first country to embody limits on state power to confiscate private property for public use. See 5th Amend.
posted by radardog
Yes, both Japan and Germany eventually declared war on the US, it was not their original aim. Both declarations of war were spurred on by something; it was not 'out of the blue,' so to speak. [Edited by Don W]
As a side swipe toward Lincoln, I believe he is responsible for one of the worst changes in the United States. Slavery, or the ending thereof was not his original aim, but rather something used for political purposes later on.
If it becomes time when some of these property owners are forced to sell their property, perhaps that is when they will notice how fragile "ownership" of their property really is. I own property, and I appreciate it. It frightens me to know that it is so fragile, and can be taken away against my will.
I suggest that a better system would be not to have this situation in the first place. Require the government and developers to keep raising their ante for said property until the owner is willing to sell, or if unwilling, find a different route. [Edited by Don W]
Originally posted by donwhite
OTOH, Germany was taken over by Hitler's Nazis and he had every intention of ruling the world. A megalomaniac. Unless we joined Hitler, we would have to fight him. And better was earlier than later.
In my pantheon of gods, Lincoln is #2 behind Washington. Washington created the Union and Lincoln preserved it. I find it hard to call to mind anything Lincoln did wrong. There is an Illinois Supreme Court case, Lincoln v. Ill Ctl RR., where he sued them for his fee. 1854, I believe. He won. $5,000. A handsome fee.
That is totally unrealistic. It reminds of Churchill when he said, regarding German demands England surrender, “it goes from the ridiculous to the sublime.”
posted by radardog
I disagree with that [must fight Hitler] entirely. I do not believe Hitler or the Nazis had the intention of ruling the world. Although that is possible, I think it is more realistic to think they wanted to unite all German speaking people under the same flag, while trying to categorize themselves into some 'perfect race.' [Edited by Don W]
Germany just went into a hot war with the U.S.S.R. instead of a cold war. I am not an apologist for Germany, but rather I think modern thought and history has seen them through skewed glasses (glasses of the victor, I suppose).
Lincoln preserved something - I just do not think he preserved the country in such a way that the Founding Fathers had meant it to look. I do not think states would have initially voted to be in a union if they knew there would be no possible way to get out - ever. The democratic processes of the southern states decided that they wanted out of the union. The federal government destroyed the will of the people through armed force, an invasion.
If a meteorite hits my property . . Someone will need to yield; someone needs the right-of-way. I would place that with the individual.
History Channel recently featured a story about Albert Speer* and his grand design for the capital of the world. His design - approved by Hitler - which featured a ring of embassies around the central domed capitol building. The German speakers were already united, after 1938.
Molotov and von Ribbentrop had made a deal. The non-aggression pact pledged German and the USSR not to attack the other. A bargain made in hell. The result was the division of Poland a month later. ... The Republic of Czechoslovakia excepted. I do not feel Hitler feared the spread of Soviet inspired communism in the territory he controlled.
I’m not convinced anyone in 1787-89 contemplated the unilateral withdrawal of a state. Why have a united states in the first place if it was to remain open to states to come and go in and out of the union at their pleasure. It seems to contradict the principle of union to me.
posted by radardog
Isn't it interesting that the "capital of the world" would need a ring of embassies? I do not think Hitler planned to take over the world; he was just fighting those that declared war on Germany. When Hitler claimed a part of Poland as a German region and invaded, that is the start of the war. On Sept 3, 1939 France and the UK declared war on Germany, and naturally Germany declared war right back at them. Ironically, on Sept 5, 1939 the U.S. proclaimed its neutrality (yet still helped Germany's enemies). [Edited by Don W]
The military aspect was not for lebensraum, per se, but rather to reunite a German speaking population (initially). A great example of military and land-grab-restraint is that Germany never invaded Sweden, which could have easily been done.
Hitler was paranoid with Marxism/Communism/USSR. He made numerous speeches about its threat, even blamed one of the infamous events in Germany on them . . “
In any case, there was a strong resentment towards the USSR, and only made the original deal in order to reunite his own people. Once his goal was accomplished, why would Hitler, or the NAZI party want to keep ties with a government they considered evil?
A union only makes sense if all of the parties agree to a common goal, objective, or idea. When a member of a union feels, or is abused then it would be a wise decision to leave the union. Moreover, it would not be ideal to join a union that you could never get out of because of that reason.
The founding fathers believed that government change should be and is by the people . . “
“ . . if they feel they are being abused, re: declaration of independence, constitution. What more is the confederacy of the United States, other than the attempt of a population to form what they believed was a formation of a more perfect union? It fits in the philosophy of the founding fathers perfectly.
Not on ethnicity alone, but because England stood for the right, and Germany (under Hitler) stood for the wrong. That was obvious to informed people in 1939. ... I never like the word “evil” when talking politics. It’s like terrorist, or patriot. It often means more to the speaker than to the listener. Or not the same meaning. I know “evil” is part of our religious heritage, but I always deal with it cautiously.
Hitler made even more inflammatory speeches against the Jews but I don’t think that equates to him being paranoid towards the Jews, which in this usage seems to be a deluxe term for “fear.”
This deadly enmity of ours [Soviet Communism] is not based on an obstinate refusal to recognise any ideas that may be contrary to ours. But this enmity is based on a natural feeling of revulsion towards a diabolical doctrine that threatens the world at large and us.
The first phase in the fight of National Socialism against Communism did not take place in Russia. Soviet Communism already tried to poison Germany between the years 1918 and 1920, and its methods of penetration into this country was much the same as its present-day military efforts in moving the Bolshevik military machine closer and closer to our frontiers.
We have stamped out Bolshevism which Moscow's bloodfiends such as Lewin, Axelroth, Neumann, Bela-Kuhn, etc. tried to introduce into Germany. And it is because we see day by day these efforts of Soviet rulers to meddle in our domestic affairs have not yet ceased, that we are forced to regard Bolshevism beyond our frontiers as our deadly enemy.
We have fought Bolshevism in Germany as a Weltanschaung that is, as a form of philosophy that endeavoured to poison and destroy our people. And Bolshevism will continue to be fought if it attempts to introduce its sordid Spanish methods into Germany.
It is not the aim of Bolshevism to free nations from their ailments. Its object is to exterminate all that is healthy and replace the same by depravity and degenerate elements ...
I know this is esoteric, but just what is a “prefect union?” Perfect being the operative word. The words of the Founding Fathers.
The founding fathers believed that government change should be and is by the people . . “
That’s from what Lincoln said in the Gettysburg Address. I challenge you to find anywhere in the Constitution where the FFs talked about “change” other than in Article V for amending the Con. When there is something you don’t like about the system, it is best to amend the constitution. And not to act arbitrarily and unilaterally.
Are you a Jesuit, Mr R/D? You’re twisting the argument and reaching your own unsupported conclusion which is the re-affirmation of your original premise. That is known as Jesuitical argument. It’s not evil, it’s just not good logic.
posted by radardog
I'm not sure I understand your criticism of the word "evil" in political debates while using other relative terms such as "right" and "wrong.
[Edited by Don W]
This deadly enmity of [Soviet Communism] is not based on an obstinate refusal to recognize any ideas that may be contrary to ours. This enmity is based on a natural feeling of revulsion towards a diabolical doctrine that threatens the world at large and us. We have stamped out Bolshevism . . we regard Bolshevism beyond our frontiers as our deadly enemy. We have fought Bolshevism in Germany as a philosophy that endeavored to poison and destroy our people. Bolshevism will continue to be fought . . the aim of Bolshevism is to exterminate all that is healthy and replace the same by depravity and degenerate elements . . “ -Hitler
[Edited by Don W]
The philosophy behind the motivation and creation of the United States can be found in the unanimous declaration of the thirteen united States of America,"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
"Perhaps the part of Locke's writing which most influenced the founding fathers of the United States Constitution was the idea that the power to govern was obtained from the permission of the people.
He thought that the purpose of government was to protect the natural rights of its citizens. He said that natural rights were life, liberty and property, and that all people automatically earned these simply by being born. When a government did not protect those rights, the citizen had the right and maybe even the obligation of overthrowing the government."
"This document [Declaration of Independence] is a brilliant assertion of fundamental human rights and also serves as America's most succinct statement of its philosophy of government."
posted by radardog
When studying history and philosophy objectively, you should take in all sources . . simply because a large amount of people say one thing does not mean it is true. You can dismiss the documents I brought up out-right, but they both point to a deeper meaning of history that not many people bring up. [Edited by Don W]
The American revolution was a revolution because of an ideal, specifically the political philosophy of Locke and others. The declaration of independence was a paraphrase of the motivation and reasoning our founding fathers wanted to part in the first place . . If you don't agree with their philosophy, that is fine. However, it is out there and widely known.
Regarding the Founding Fathers:
“Perhaps the part of Locke's writing which most influenced the founding fathers was the idea that the power to govern was obtained from the permission of the people.”
We can trade sources back and forth - in a superficial attempt that any undergraduate can piece together for their instructor. Or, we can discuss the philosophies and motivations of these great people and see what would follow from them.