posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 04:38 PM
Hello all, im kinda new to this forum ive being looking around and im enjoying the massive amount of subject infomation available, any way back to the
Firstly motives of aliens, there is one of two things that may happen:
1.) Like humans have always done for example when we found America what did we do to the native indians? They shared the land and say its for everyone
to share, while we put fences up and declare that this is our land so stay off. Finally we started killing them while we used guns they used
spears,this relates to us using missles and them using some kind of laser. We have always destroyed things that get in our way or stop us getting what
we want what would stop them doing it? Humans are like a cancer look what we have done to this planet whats going to stop aliens that are far more
advanced doing this but in much bigger ways of draining the planet and moving on.
2.) They will try help us see past our ways of war money and corruption and help us see a world where there is no violence or money and is a utopia,
either we wil learn from our mistakes in the past and agree or we will decided that we dont need anyone and that we are fine going the way we are.
Either way its going to take some godly force to make every goverment and person live as one in peace
Human Traits
As some believe and some dont things evolve to there surroundings and adapt, humans are very good at adapting but we also change our own habitat so
Humans have natural greed people want money or items that make them wealthy
humans have a natural thrist for knowlege
humans also have the worst trait in the world of going to war over petty arguments no other specis does this
All of the above have good and bad points in the case of aliens coming to our planet there would be the ones that wanted to learn and live in peace
with they and learn there ways, there would be the ones that see them as a threat and decide to attack or groups of humans try steal and cheat the
Sorry for the long post but im just giving my thoughts on what would happen if aliens actually came to this planet