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U.S. FDA Approves Use of Implantable Chip in Humans

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posted on Nov, 2 2002 @ 07:53 AM
The chips for pets is set up so that a vet has to use a scanner (at *very* close range) to even detect it, let alone read it. I know because our two dogs have them...They're purebred Rat Terriers.

It may not be a part of the human-chips yet, but as technology advances, they'll begin making them so that the chip can be read from a greater distance...And even greater distance...Until it reaches a point where they can locate you from a system similar to a cellphone network or from satellite.

I'll not accept a chip until the government is cleaned out of its corruption first. Unless the US citizens actually band together to do that, we'll all die of old age before the government is fixed.

posted on Nov, 2 2002 @ 08:01 AM
MidnightD -these chips aren't (or aren't yet) surveillance devices -just glorified bar-codes.
Big Brother is only Scanning you -at the moment.

posted on Nov, 2 2002 @ 10:11 AM
I live in Michigan and there was a report six months ago on the news about the chip in a dog that was lost. The family who owned it searched long for their pet. It was brought to the Humane Society. Another family adopted it and now they own it. The dog went to the vet for a shot or something and was scanned and the 1st owners were notified after a couple years of being lost. Now that the 2nd owners got attatched to it they won't give it back to the 1st owners. If they (Humane Society) screw something simple like that up can you imagine the consequences of humans having chips? I don't want to think about it.


posted on Nov, 2 2002 @ 10:17 AM
link is at least conceivable that the humans in Michigan have more developed language skills than the perhaps we need not worry excessively, at this point.

posted on Nov, 3 2002 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by Estragon is at least conceivable that the humans in Michigan have more developed language skills than the perhaps we need not worry excessively, at this point.


posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 12:25 PM
I find the idea of a chip in my body horrify I dont care what the reason is.

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 12:44 PM
People, they aren't going to mandate anything... at least not in the beginning. It'll be a slow introduction into the public. This has already started first with your pets and also with some businesses requiring their employees to get them. You will hear nothing but the good the chips bring... the conveniences, the security, etc. The young people will be educated to think that having the chip is "cool".

Then the second phase will occur when you are able to use the chips as an alternative to credit cards and money. Little by little stores will provide those that have the chips the option to purchase what they want using nothing but the chip. How great would that be?

The third stage happens when the phase out money. You will then be left with a choice... get the chip or grow your own food, make your own clothes, and live on the streets. Eventually those without the chip will be labled as traitors and outcasts and will have to be on the run in order to survive. Eventually if you don't have the chip you will be a criminal, rounded up and either forcefully given the chip or worse.

I hear a lot of people (myself included) that talk tough... "There's no way I'm taking the chip". But it'll be interesting to see what really happens. When you're on the streets with no food, no housing, your family is starving, what will you really do?

I suggest we don't wait till it gets that far. We need to rise up and fight this NOW while there's still a chance. Start talking to people... make them aware. Start writing your congressmen to make these things illegal because once the momentum gets going it will be too late to stop it.

[edit on 10-11-2006 by mecheng]

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 12:46 PM
People, they aren't going to mandate anything... at least not in the beginning. It'll be a slow introduction into the public. This has already started first with your pets and also with some businesses requiring their employees to get them. You will hear nothing but the good the chips bring... the conveniences, the security, etc. The young people will be educated to think that having the chip is "cool".

Then the second phase will occur when you are able to use the chips as an alternative to credit cards and money. Little by little stores will provide those that have the chips the option to purchase what they want using nothing but the chip. How great would that be?

The third stage happens when they phase out money completely. You will then be left with a choice... get the chip or grow your own food, make your own clothes, and live on the streets. Eventually those without the chip will be labled as traitors and outcasts and will have to be on the run in order to survive. Eventually if you don't have the chip you will be a criminal, rounded up and either forcefully given the chip or worse.

I hear a lot of people (myself included) that talk tough... "There's no way I'm taking the chip". But it'll be interesting to see what really happens. When you're on the streets with no food, no housing, your family is starving, what will you really do?

I suggest we don't wait till it gets that far. We need to rise up and fight this NOW while there's still a chance. Start talking to people... make them aware. Start writing your congressmen to make these things illegal because once the momentum gets going it will be too late to stop it. It might be already.

[edit on 10-11-2006 by mecheng]

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by mecheng
The young people will be educated to think that having the chip is "cool".

Kids came about last year talking about a program they watched in school on "Channel 1" about implanting microchips and how it could save your life by containing your medical history and other important information, looks like the conditioning is well underway. I intend to look into this "Channel 1" a little further, some of the other stuff the kids have talked about seeing on their frankly gives me the willies.

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 01:17 PM
I guess I'm a bit confused about what all the hubbub is about (and please let's not turn this into a biblical discussion. I'm interested in today's applications, not the ravings of an imprisoned bitter exiled man from 1800 years ago).

I do see the positive applications for it, and am having trouble seeing the negative. Could the government track you easier? Probably, but what does it matter unless you have something to hide. Unless you have your life saving stuffed into a mattress they can track you now. Virtually every person in the US uses a bank for something, and all banking transactions are recorded...
Mind control (at least any more that is being done already)? Seems a bit far-fetched to me, at least with the current technology.

James came up with some excellent positive things about it, and Meching came up with what I see as a legitimate course of action to get the idea implemented. I'd like to take his idea a bit further though. Would the elimination of actual money be such a bad thing? I'm not sure how many of you remember the big hubabaloo when Debit Cards came to the forefront as the trade medium of choice. It sounded very similar to some of the arguments today about the elimination of cash. I still don't see where the issue is. I'd much rather have my debit card than a bunch of cash in my wallet. If nothing else it makes it more difficult for somebody to rip me off...

Along that line of thinking, if the government were to implement the chip as the medium for trade to occur, that would pretty much put the Federal Reserve out of business, and I can’t see any reason that would be a bad thing. I feel there are MANY reasons the government should take control of the monetary system back from the private sector. This would be a good medium to do so.

Again, biblical implications aside, what's the downside? Please help me to "deny my ignorance" and enlighten me on your views.

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 01:20 PM
i dont think it will go as far as implanting every person the government sees with a chip right away! So no worrys but just watch out for your newborns right arm

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 02:36 AM
I dont think having a chip in my body would be a good idea at all it would be just like in nazi germany when the jews were forced to wear a gold star around their shirt to label them. Think about it-- we already have identification tags-- and secondly-- maybe it would be a good thing to use the chip to buy or sell but still-- this will infuriate so many religious people and then these people will become infuriated that there is this kind of chip. If I was ever forced to take a chip I would move somewhere else. I would probably move to Australia.
These chips can only benefit animals. There is too much risk in this day and age for it to be put in humans. As I foresee the future with these chips these chips will be used instead of credit cards... but imagine this >___> there is little to no risk with the chips-- how would you think of it then?
It isnt a government sponsored chip. IT is a chip that was approved by the FDA. Then again, even with the religious implications, I still am unsure about the situation. This makes me think. A chip. Good or bad idea?
If people are learning that such a verichip could be a medical lifesaver I think that these people need to keep more track of their time.

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 11:30 AM
Here's a question... why do they need to implant chips in us? Why can't we just use our own unique, God-given identification - fingerprints or retnal scan? What's the point of a chip? What can a chip do that fingerprints or retnal scanning can't?

To me there is some other motive behind chipping us.

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 12:13 PM
This chip could be used for good or bad like anything else. It could be used to implant just under the skin of say a reporter or soldier going to the ME or south america. Then if kidnapped we could find the person. I wouldn't mind this so much as long as i knew where it was incase i needed to dig it out and it was removed upon returning to America.

The bad is obvious that they chip entire populations however, its not like a small group of individuals couldn't bring down the entire system with multiple coordinated EMP strikes in high population areas using something like this. Pulse generators of course these would need to be upgraded but it wouldn't be too difficult. Now when they start making bio computer chips then we might have to worry a bit.

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