posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 01:41 PM
Planning to ask your boss for a raise? You might want to do it over a cup of coffee.
A new study reports people may be more easily persuaded to change their opinion after consuming caffeine.
Researchers in Brisbane, Australia found undistracted university students were more persuaded by arguments made after they drank a caffeine-laced
Caffeine has been shown to boost attention. But few studies have checked caffeine’s effects on persuasiveness, note Pearl Martin, PhD, and
colleagues. Martin works at the University of Queensland’s School of Psychology.
Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, some soft drinks, and other products. It’s often consumed in settings that could involve “persuasive
communication,” note Martin and colleagues
full article found here:
Caffeine used for persuasion?
So while this may seem like a stretch could there be some sort of conspiracy here? i wonder if the U.S government supports these corporations in an
unusual ways or if the Use of caffeine has spiked at any particular time? the article does say these findings definatly are warrant for more
would be interesting for us to investigate i think.
Kind Regards,
[edit on 10/01/2004 by DigitalGrl]