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Serpo - Shawnna and a friend's closing thoughts

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posted on Aug, 23 2023 @ 05:33 AM
a reply to: The GUT

One of the simplest form of 'mind control' is the meme. Think how everything is reduced to the simplest and lowest common denominator. It's used in everything from politics to advertising.

In ufology the martians/aliens are all "little green men". Roswell was a "weather balloon". Debunked cases are "swamp gas". These memes are not new. But in the growing digital world that we live in with human attention spans getting even shorter, they are becoming ever more prevalent. If done skillfully they can be seeded by just a few people and then left to spread, unwittingly, by others and "go viral".

However, I often wonder if the cast of characters we are discussing are also somewhat afflicted by their own 'mind virus' and ironically have become subjects of study themselves?

posted on Aug, 23 2023 @ 05:39 AM
There's also an interesting exchange of emails here : Spy Games: The Pandolfi-Green-Doty Affair leaked email stream

Although I have no idea if these are concocted as part of the spook games and send folk down rabbit holes?

As an example

----- Original Message -----
From: Ronald Pandolfi
Cc: Christopher Green
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 18:17
Subject: RE: Keep me out of this


I am not interested in whether you are involved in the UFO enigma and/or working for the CIA, DIA, OSI, or other US intelligence agency. What concerns me is whether you are working for a foreign intelligence service. That has been my sole interest in you from when I first heard your name and it has been the sole focus of my interactions with OSI and FBI concerning your behaviors and whereabouts.

Recently Dr. Green relayed to me a claim attributed to you that two DIA employees had identified John Gannon as the source of the SERPO story and Mr. Anonymous.

As I anticipated the two names you provided to Dr. Green are not those of DIA employees.

The most likely case is that you invented these sources to cover your unauthorized access to sensitive facilities including Los Alamos and SANDIA where you may have attempted to access classified information.

I am bringing to your attention this one current issue, but there are several other current issues and many past issues that suggest you could be involved with foreign intelligence services.

I have been clear in my communications with Dan Smith regarding these interests.

I would be glad to publicly dispute any claim that I have raised your name in connection with the UFO enigma and clarify that my only interest in you concerns national security. Let me also be clear that I have only marginal reason to suspect you are involved with a foreign intelligence service, and I would be glad to put this issue to rest if you would agree to cooperate. I am more that certain Dr. Green would be willing to facilitate such cooperation.


posted on Aug, 23 2023 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Then Ron married the women who supposedly came from some kind of pod. Or whatever that story was. It's all very deep rabbit hole stuff with many associated. Anyway my question remains re Kit Green and Burroughs. How does all that fit all of this.

Interesting posts MM.

posted on Aug, 23 2023 @ 08:43 AM

originally posted by: Baablacksheep
a reply to: The GUT

Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green.

He ain't studying UFOs, he's studying how to weaponize the psyche

Hmmm. How does this fit John Burroughs and Kits involvement then The Gut? Burroughs was/ is very grateful to Green.

If Rendlesham was an internally sponsored US "test" that Green was somehow involved with then maybe some personal conscience aspect ?

Pure speculation but then I do agree that with Green there is more to it than that - I suspect the weaponisation is the professional aspect but the personal veers more to the woo aspect.

posted on Aug, 23 2023 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: The GUT
With all due respect. I don't deny that there are odd things about.
I will try to put this nicely. I understand that this forum was very much pro-alien reality, Then it was infiltrated and became a foothold for skeptics and Man-Made-UFO theorists. There is a lot to be said about this, but I will put it this way:
Donald Menzel's opinions would be considered today as a Flat Earther theorist. Sagan, Klass, and J.O. are nearly there.
The problem with Man-made UFOs and abductions is basically the same, it is extremely reductionist, they don't look at the big picture and keep repeating the same stuff all over again. They keep behaving as the cases are all in the US and so forth.
It is very much like Vallee's case, who is correct in the broad sense but wrong in all details.
The doc about abductions in the US is bs, his opinions about abduction were wrong, his positions regarding the military not studying UFOs were totally wrong, as much as hyneks, (they were probably trying to save their asses with the infamous book Edge of Reality, and his position on Roswell was also BS, as he came up with a case even mor esoteric now.
The same could be said by ppl who keep with these opinions, at some point, they will drop them on, and will pretend they ever espoused them.

posted on Aug, 23 2023 @ 11:34 AM
Regarding Serpo. So far, reading Valle’s FS5, there is no reference to Serpo. I’m at about 2007. One time, though, he comes close to referencing that issue on pages 356-58, where he alludes to his interest in Bishops Project Beta and a Redfern book and declares some of his friends from the IC are into “ handling people."

So, he gets close but not too close to the issue. This was 2005, so maybe Serpo wasn’t too well known yet.

Another interesting thing in that book is, apparently, around 2005, someone tried to poison Kit Green, according to Green himself.

posted on Aug, 24 2023 @ 04:06 AM
a reply to: introufo

He mentions it sparingly but not until August 2008. This might be of interest to ornithologists.

...too many plans, too many trips across time zones, too many moving parts, too many uncertainties, and those puzzling messages from Kit in Beijing talking about hidden hardware while promoting the dubious SERPO* project, supposedly a top-secret human exchange program with the Aliens, as if this crude hoax were a serious endeavour. Actually, Kit may have his own reasons to maintain a keen interest in that expanding, silly SERPO charade. He is certain

(1) that the tall tale comes from “current Executive Branch individuals,” one of whom told him he was pushing the hoax officially,
(2) that some meetings attended by himself and Hal over the last three years were secretly monitored.
(3) that even a website for which he has responsibility was used to disseminate the poison of SERPO memes, and
(4) that medical data on spinal cord injury and repair, a classified project about which he was briefed, are included in the material, in violation of secrecy rules. All that is like Chinese to me, unnecessarily obscure....

But JV seems to write these diaries with the benefit of years of his own hindsight, rather than at the time. He also likes to ensure he keeps himself at a distance from any activity that could compromise his own involvement with the Vegas UFO Mob.

posted on Aug, 24 2023 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: Baablacksheep

Hmmm. How does this fit John Burroughs and Kits involvement then The Gut? Burroughs was/ is very grateful to Green.

Reminds me of another human-use experimenter extraordinaire, Dr. Mengele, whom had many "patients" convinced he was an angel too.

My suspicion with John is that while Kit did help him to some degree overall, the true interest is what non-ionizing radiation does to the human body and how better to weaponize that understanding.

posted on Aug, 24 2023 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: mirageman

But JV seems to write these diaries with the benefit of years of his own hindsight, rather than at the time. He also likes to ensure he keeps himself at a distance from any activity that could compromise his own involvement with the Vegas UFO Mob.

Yeah. There are a lot of gems in the journals it seems but like everything else associated with these cats, grains of salt are required.

I kind of wish I was still interested enough to dive back in. And, obviously, I'm still fascinated with what some might consider the far end of what we loosely call ufology.

When doing my first dive into the birds it didn't take long to realize there's no real answers there. Not the straight up kind anyways.

But a deeper look led me to reconsider that somewhat. If we have and are being prepped for increased control via social-engineering then I'm guessing there is gonna be a reveal of some sort. If that's true then the reveal is going to have to have some truth to it and be pretty substantial evidence to overcome skeptical inertia.

Then again, maybe it is just spy games that are too complex and clouded for those of us interested to "open source" any kind of theory and it will fizzle out soon. I'm open to the possibility.

But, for now, I'm still feeling like we're being prepped for heightened and blind obedience.

posted on Aug, 24 2023 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: The GUT

I think for now Gut sit back, relax and watch what transpires. As far as Green goes as you know he's a pretty decent artist. All that seems more pleasant to look at than the crazy in all this UFO dazzle. Though of course am well aware of who has done what here and there.

edit on 24-8-2023 by Baablacksheep because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 03:49 AM
a reply to: The GUT

When doing my first dive into the birds it didn't take long to realize there's no real answers there. Not the straight up kind anyways.

I'd tend to agree. But I am never sure whether what we see is what we are meant see. How much is designed to influence, confuse or obfuscate.

But on face value, my impression is that, despite their education and professional qualifications, they can still act as irrationally and be as short-sighted as the rest of us. They've even been played at times in their efforts to peel back the onion. Yet there is also this dark side to their activities that you allude to. Something which now appears to have been passed over to a new generation of avians.

posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday

So, am I right in saying that others here are also thinking that this current "Rash of Disclosure" is a scam being slow baked in front of the public, and being pushed by politicians and the media?

The big reveal that Reid was funneling funds from the taxpayers to his friends via the UFO Investigation label seems to still be going on though through others now. Maybe it's about time to flat out list the people handling the money and just expose this mess like past time.

Or maybe...just maybe...this whole "government involvement and discussion" phenom is simply a distraction for something larger and more ominous?
The men-behind-the-curtain are up to no good and once eyes drift towards them, all fingers will point to the gov-supported UAP efforts. Plausible deniability.

I have no info or proof of this. Just a hunch. We're in the midst of seeing a strawman being created (later to be burned down)

posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: mirageman


ut JV seems to write these diaries with the benefit of years of his own hindsight, rather than at the time. He also likes to ensure he keeps himself at a distance from any activity that could compromise his own involvement with the Vegas UFO Mob.

I agree with that, and BTW, thanks for the tip when Vallee mentions it.

I don’t navigate this Kindle too well yet since all I have to do is search for the name in the Kindle.

Indeed, Vallee, if he is a part of his buddy's subterfuges (which I hope isn’t the case, but we have to always be suspicious, unfortunately, in this field of study), would definitely hide his participation...And his FS journals would be the place to do it.

posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: The GUT

But a deeper look led me to reconsider that somewhat. If we have and are being prepped for increased control via social-engineering then I'm guessing there is gonna be a reveal of some sort. If that's true then the reveal is going to have to have some truth to it and be pretty substantial evidence to overcome skeptical inertia.

Then again, maybe it is just spy games that are too complex and clouded for those of us interested to "open source" any kind of theory and it will fizzle out soon. I'm open to the possibility.

But, for now, I'm still feeling like we're being prepped for heightened and blind obedience.

Indeed, we are being marinated into something we can, I think, evidentiarily conclude.

Who knows, maybe they are dealing with a higher power who is behind the marinization of our psyches with this abstruse information.

However, my take, as of now, is that it’s a mundane measure revolving around typical Western MIC endeavors. And as they are so opportunistic on UFO obsessives to disseminate their disinformation, they are similarly leeching off the legitimate UFO mystery.

Maybe when and if that higher power reveals itself, it remains to be seen whether these sinister folks might get a knuckle sandwich for lunch... and dinner for their unwanted, unnecessary, and selfish mischief.

Time will tell

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