Heyall, glad to be aboard!
Im not a big poster, no time, no energy, but Im a big old lurker, and I use my lurking techniques to relax after a long day, while still learning a
bit if Im lucky heh
Sometimes its funny to be into "conspiracies" and weird0 stuff, sometimes its a bore..but there was so much about 9/11 that was wrong that I started
looking around on the web, and then I found Conspiracy Central. So Ive been lurking for some time there, but lately its been too paranoid and silly
and then I saw a link to this place, so thats how I found it.
I dont believe anyone anywhere is being paid by anyone to be a socalled "disinfo agent", I find the idea wholly ridiculous and naive. I also think
Al Bielek and Phil Schneider belonged in a mental institution. So you might say Im into and believe in government coverups and a bit of the old
"theres more between Heaven and Earth than dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio", but I dont believe in all the weirdo stuff, no ufos and
underground bases, no prisoncamps and what have we..I guess Im a sorta middle of the road kinda conspiracy interested person and I'd like to be able
to voice my scepticism without being accused of being a disinfo agent (again, some people need a realitycheck) or being banned by some nazi admin who
doesnt think his forum is for doubts and debunks. I hope this is the place Im looking for, and Im looking forward to explore the site :-)
Bit about me, Im from Copenhagen, Im 33 and Im a professional historian, my area of expertise is the history and evolution of economic theories, but
Ive got too great hair to be a real nerd. Besides this, Im into Maroccan agricultural products and kung fu movies. So I guess Im nothing special but
Im not a dummy either. Ive chosen this name because Im a humorous guy who easily laughs at 15 yr old kids calling eachother disinfo agents, but I
promise I wont post just to diss anyone, in fact I doubt I'll post much at all, as Ive mentioned, I use this for relaxation and slant knowledge..Oh
yeah, and I love Uriah Heep
Well, ^^^^a mess of an introduction post, but what can you do