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Is there 'really' a difference between the Conservatives and the Liberals in America?

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posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 09:35 AM
I pose the question, "is there a difference between Conservatives and Liberals in America"? because, frankly, I don't see any sort of real difference beyond the rhetoric. As fellow ATS member Intrepid likes to put it, these two parties are two sides of the same coin. That is, there really is no difference.

I always like to note that the Democrats voted for the war in Iraq right along with the Republicans. Furthermore, the Democrats have, in lockstep with the Republicans, voted for continuing funding for that war in spite of contrary protestations. As far as I am concerned, both parties are working for the same NWO agenda. The only real differences are in the statements each side makes in an effort to "discredit" the other side. It makes great theatre if only the play, in which they are actors" wasn't "our reality". Nevertheless, politics has become a form of distraction that keeps people from viewing the events in Washington as part of an institutional evolution that will lead Americans to a New World Order.

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 07:10 PM
One supports the legal killing of humanbeings. The other does not, to me that is the main issue.

However, I would agree that either way we are headed in the same direction.
I remeber I heard one person put it this way....

"Both party's are headed off the cliff, one at 70 mph, the other at 30 mph. I would rather be on the one going off at thirty"

I guess witch is witch is up to you. LOL. However I think its the Left moving at a much quicker rate.

[edit on 12-7-2006 by Scyman]

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Scyman
One supports the legal killing of humanbeings. The other does not, to me that is the main issue.

I assume you're talking about capital punishment, but if both parties support the war, aren't they both supporting the 'legal' killing of human beings?

'Two sides of the same globalist-socialist coin' is precisely how I decribe the two dominant parties. I also like to call them the republicrats. As bt stated, the only real differance is in the rhetoric, but if you believe the talk, I guess you could say that the the dems are leftist socialists, and the gop are moderate socialists. Some choice huh?

Did anyone else notice that the media in the USA switched the colors they use to represent the two parties at about the same time that the gop took over? Mabey the gop became red because they took over the mantle of being the main change agent toward socialism from the dems.

[edit on 11-11-2006 by resistor]

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 02:54 PM
The differences are minor. Politics is a diversion that gives the illusion of particpation to the working class. They both protect the rights, property and now property rights of the wealthy. Clinton supported NAFTA which has been the most damaging legislation ever passed against the working class. Bush has continued the assault with legislation to limit liability of corporations and make bankruptcy almost impossible for the working class. The two party system helps avert the class wars that would be inevitable if the working class were concious. But as long as we have television and super Walmart we'll continue to slumber. SHHH don't wake me!

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by benevolent tyrant
I pose the question, "is there a difference between Conservatives and Liberals in America"? because, frankly, I don't see any sort of real difference beyond the rhetoric. As fellow ATS member Intrepid likes to put it, these two parties are two sides of the same coin. That is, there really is no difference.

Democrats, Republicans

They're branding organizations (You know like coke and pepsi, or budweiser and miller) that give the winner the right to negotiate larger bribes for thier members, from foriegn owned corporations.

I don't ask people which canidate they voted for I ask people, 'which commercial did you vote for?'

[edit on 12-11-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by benevolent tyrant
I pose the question, "is there a difference between Conservatives and Liberals in America"? because, frankly, I don't see any sort of real difference beyond the rhetoric.

Yes there is a difference between conservatives and liberals. What question you should be asking is if there is a difference between Republicans and Democrats. In which I would have to say...yes there is differences in their ways of government, but the people? I am not sure as the Democrats are still not in control yet.

I always like to note that the Democrats voted for the war in Iraq right along with the Republicans.

Of course they did...and they were presented with intelligence that Saddam had WMD's and wanted to use it on the US and funded Al Qaeda. 9/11 was fresh on their minds, and the American public wanted blood.

Furthermore, the Democrats have, in lockstep with the Republicans, voted for continuing funding for that war in spite of contrary protestations.

Um...why would they stop funding? So the soldiers there can suffer? That would totally screw their political aspirations

As far as I am concerned, both parties are working for the same NWO agenda.


Nevertheless, politics has become a form of distraction that keeps people from viewing the events in Washington as part of an institutional evolution that will lead Americans to a New World Order.


posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 03:22 PM
Liberals believe that government inanely neutral but we can make it good. That we benefit from Health Departments that check restaurants, check our food and our medicines. We believe the weight s and measures people do a good job for us making sure every gallon of gas contains 128 ounces. And confirming that when it says 87 octane, it really is. Liberals think children should be vaccinated for their own protections and for the protection of the community. Liberals believe there should be a living minimum wage for people. Liberals believe the Clean Air Act has given

American cities have some of the cleanest air breathed anywhere in the world thank to air pollution controls. Liberals began compulsory public education and want to see it continue and that every child should be able to go as far as his ability and ambition will take them without regard to his finances. Liberals believe that no one should be held in American custody anywhere without having his day in court. Liberals believe everyone needs access to all the health care and medicines he or she needs to be alive. Liberals believe in the rule of one man, one vote, that everyone vote should count. I could go on for 1000s of words about liberals believing in fair lending laws, in protecting the community from lawbreakers, and etc.

So what do conservatives believe in?

[edit on 11/12/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 04:48 PM
To me the redirection of what is considered liberal and conservative is just in the eye of the beholder.

If you consider that the party of the conservatives is not longer abiding by the base of its foundations.

Both parties have blended into one, but many doesn't see it yet but it has.

Right now conservatives are seen as the people that are right religious fundamentalist, that are against abortion and gay marriage.

But the truth is that at hart everybody holds to their conservative values some with more intention than others.

I ofter feel offended when somebody tags me either liberal or conservative just because of my views on certain issues.

After all we are all Americans that are trying to make a decent living and wants to live by our own values to be respected by all.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by benevolent tyrant
I pose the question, "is there a difference between Conservatives and Liberals in America"?

The way I see them is like the NFL. Let explain. You have your 32 teams with 32 owners. Then you have your fan base. Now we fans have our teams and we also have the teams we hate. So we show our colors by getting merchendice and going to games. The teams keep us fan at eachothers throats over who's team is better. It's all fun but we keep buying their stuff. Ok. Now where the NFL is different then other business is after the season is done the owners meet down in FL and split the take for the year. Imagine Coke and Pepsi splitting proffits. Well it happens in the NFL. Now back to the Cons and Libs. There is no difference between them and the NFL owners. They keep you either on the left or the right to make all kinds of noise fighting eachother and every april 16 they get all that money we sent them and like the NFL owners split up. In the end the we loose.

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 10:24 PM
Either way, your money is going to the DOD. Two sides of the same coin.

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 05:51 PM
It seems to me that liberals think the gov't is the answer to all their problems and conservatives think that they, themselves, are the answer to their problems.

Note: I don't think the gov't does anything right at all...

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