posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 01:36 AM
Originally posted by toolman
I see no issues with people here, everyone is free to worship as they please. There are CPC members that go to church....stop reading propaganda
Falun Gong is an entirely different matter, brainwashed cultists.
Majic's Political Easter Egg: Be the first to post how many "cultivation ways in the Buddha School" there are (according to Li Hongzhi) in this
thread and send Majic a U2U with a link to your post, and you will be awarded 500 PTS points.
[edit on 7/15/2006 by Majic]
High Chinese officials even so high as the standing committee do not agree with you. We've spoken to them. Calling Falun Dafa a cult was a
"name-calling" tactic that was used to in an attempt to justify the persecution. The ccp wanted to end the persecution, but has given itself such an
ultimatum, that it is very difficult for them to do so and save face. In addition, those who are responsible will be brought to justice in China in
the near future. If you knew that over 10,000 practitioners had died from torture and other abuse in 're-education through labor' camps, that Falun
Gong practitioners have been the victims of criminal psychiatry, including the injection of psychotropic drugs and nerve agents in state hospitals,
you would begin to see the true character and behavior of the ccp.
I have seen the actual case studies, witness testimonies corroborated by non-practitioners and independent human rights organizations, have seen the
photos, have interviewed refugees, have photos of those who were killed, etc.
This has been hidden from you if you live in mainland China. I can tell from your writing that you are also from mainland China. You are proud of your
country, and you should be, as China has a long and splendid history before the cultural revolution. But you should not assume that the people of
China need the communist party any more than Russia or Eastern Europeans did. Communism invaded your country, as it did others, and it will soon
disappear in China as well.
Not sure what you mean by a "Political Easter Egg" -- it was actually the Buddha Sakyamuni who said that there were 84,000 cultivation ways in the
Buddha School, based on his understanding. Do not assume you can understand advanced spiritual principles from an ordinary perspective.
[edit on 24-7-2008 by HaveYouConsidered?]