Make sure to check out the History Channel today, they are going to have on different UFO cases so it should be good. It starts 1:00 Eastern Standard
Time and ends at 5:00 Eastern Standard Time, tell me what you think. The time right now on the East Coast is 11:43, so it will be on in an hour and
some odd minutes.
It's now 1:10 EST, June 10, 2006 and there is no UFO files show on the History Channel. It's something about a big circus tent collapse. Maybe you
have an entirely different History Channel in the US than me.
I think I've probably seen what you're talking about before anyways.
I am watching it now, its about the Russian UFO program, and how they tried to shoot one down, and actually got one in 1948. It may be different out
side the united states, maybe if you have a tv guide you can look to see if it will be on later.