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Aftermath of HAARP: Lake Seattle?

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posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 07:58 PM
For all the Western Washington posters on here, in case you havent noticed, it seems Seattle is back to normal: wet, moldy, and water everywhere.

Yet you also remeber that this summer was abnormally hot and dry. There was a massive heatwave in Europe that killed people, and I brought up a question, could HAARP have caused the heatwave?

Anyway, now that sumemr is over, Seattle is getting record rain and alot of flooding from hell, we have basically amde up in the last few days for all the rain we missed all summer.

As we all have learned, it appears HAARP can tinker with the weather temporaily, drawing moisture and storm systems away, killing them, but as we know, playing with something in one place, and nature will compensate other ways.

Thus, because HAARP seemed to have dried up the west coasts of both North America and Europe this summer, is now equilibrium happening, and all the moisture and rain comming back to kick us in the ass now? Is this a side efefct of HAARP tinkering, natural weather disasters later?

For the Folks in Europe, UK and France especially, whats the weather like there?

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 08:14 PM
Well, they've had record rainfall in europe as well as unprecedented heat waves in France, so its a global phenominon.

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 08:22 PM
This rings very similar to the east coast weather pattern in the last two years.

Seven or so years up to 2002, the east coast, particularly the south east, was experiencing an accellorating drought. By October of 2002, North Carolina and other nearby states, were rated in an 'Exceptional Drought conditions'. Exceptional being the highest level, and above Extreme.

Suddenly in December thru January everything changed.

Following a horrific ice storm that left almost two million people without power, in freezing conditions, the rain began.

Within six month's, the drought was considered over, and water tables were 50% back to normal.
Officially, it was said it would take as much as ten years to recover.

But not now.

Here is a thread I started some time back, about this same issue.

Exceptional Drought - Monsoon Rains - SAME PLACE!

Cities were running out of a water source, larger cities worked together to create a water network sharing system, lakes were 10-30 feet below normal level, and many faced drying up.

By the middle summer of 2003, lakes were full, rivers and creeks babbled. Everytime it rained, flood warnings were issued.

A very big change, unexplained, or expected.

[Edited on 22-10-2003 by smirkley]

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 08:26 PM
in the bayarea theres been wierd weather for years....

its been getting hotter then it should, and then when winter comes its been alot stronger then normal....

I hope HAARP isnt doing this, becouse if it is there could be BIG desasters IE DAMS flooding eta,eta

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 08:40 PM

It�s the rain that makes Seattle so special..

I�m not sure HAARP is totally to blame, but yes there are some noticeable changes in weather patterns. One of the first things you learn about in climatology is the thermohaline conveyor belt in the oceans. A good intro is here and" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow"> here.

The concern among climatologists right now is the possibility that the conveyor belt could just stop. Its just like your hot water heater at home, when it hits a certain temperature, it just shuts off. There�s circumstantial evidence of the conveyor stopping as the precursor event to an ice-age, your typical 16,000 year ice age� Unfortunately, we don�t have a good estimate as to the temperature threshold, but the increasing frequency of El-nino events is good indication that the cycles have been interfered with.

If we have been manipulating the weather with scalar technology, its only compounding the greenhouse effect which is the real problem with the weather..

Stay dry up there..

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 08:09 AM
DM, I grew up in the Bay Area, I know what youre talkign about. Look how long the drought lasted, and look how long it took to get anywhere near normal.....

Kukula, yes, rain does make Seattle special. Its not that the rain itself is odd, this is normal pretty much, as far as it raining. But, our unusually hot and arid summer here was NOT normal, and within three days, we have made up in a heavy downpour 3 months worth of rainfall. This pattern is wierd to say the least. It is not normal for this, like all of the sudden, compensation to the extreme.

Smirk, yes, this is what Im saying. A global phenomina, thats why I asked others about weather in thier homes. My curiousity is this: HAARP tampering with the weather. Abnormal weather manipulation. When you take or dry one place out, all that moisture, pressure, has to go somewhere. Like, the guys at HAARP, dick with the weather for a few days to create a dry spoell somewhere. Then, after they are done, a massive backlash, kind of an after efect, a side effect of weather manipulation, occurs. Thats what Im getting at. Could alot of the strange flip flopping in weather we see be caused not directly and intentionaly by HAARP, but basically, the fallout and residue of it?

Global warming, and climatic changes, i have taken all these things into consideration. Kukula, yes, HAARP might aggrivate such things, the frequency of el nino, which used to be only once every 9 years, has sped up. Now its irregular. Since this is occuring VERY rapidly, It makes one think that the HAARP boys, while only thiniing short term of killing Hurricanes, making storms, might create longer lasting effects as nature, resenting tampering, will make up later what she was deprived of.

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 08:24 PM
could the convaerbelt in the ocian be making the wierd weather also?

if it slowed down/stopped ....

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 03:08 PM
We had an unusually mild summer here in TX. I think we never got into the 100's, which is a normality.

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Dmsoldier
could the convaerbelt in the ocian be making the wierd weather also?

if it slowed down/stopped ....

Yes, it most certainly can. Most climatologists agree that the THC is undergoing "reorganization". This is mostly from the decrease in salinity with the introduction of more fresh water into the oceans. Sea level has risen from glaciers retreating, ice sheets breaking, polar caps melting, all from an increase in greenhouse gases.

Then of course, any weather manipulation from HAARP could have so many different effects, that we would need a SETI type investigation to compute it all..

bottom line, the earth will most likely increase in temperature another 10 degrees F, oceans level will rise, salinity will decrease then a "small" ice age will begin as the THC reverses or changes course. The question is, how much have we accelerated this process..

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 01:03 AM
you bring up a good point, grid computing i saw on the news they were using this for the weather but i fergot the website that you could download the program

it shows the earth and gives you all the weather wile its helping decode.

anyone know the website im talking about?

iv search on google but all come up dead

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 07:33 AM
OK. Heres one for you all that I came across this morning. There is a description under the video of what the lady purports that she saw. My only concern with this is that she mentions it happening on the opposite side of the river and got video and then said it happened on her side of the river, but didn't get video. It is definately very strange and is something I have NEVER seen before on a lake. Give it a watch.

Wiki link on lake's in Seattle)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by mutantgenius

hi there,

interesting ,
i feel you should start a new thread for this new video. rather than this one from sooooo many years ago.


posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:43 AM
Really man c'mon. There have so many droughts and floods throughout history why in the world would you blame weather fluctuations on haarp?

Are you trying to imply that nothing of this sort has ever natually occured before? Leave haarp alone and quit blaming every little thing in the world on them.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by snoopyuk
reply to post by mutantgenius

hi there,

interesting ,
i feel you should start a new thread for this new video. rather than this one from sooooo many years ago.


I agree....the original posting was started almost 8 years ago....a lot has happened in between....

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 11:40 AM
WOW! Didn't even notice the date. I just figured it was kind of interesting how she said there was rings on the water, so I did a search and posted the same post in a couple of threads, just to get it out there, you know?
I'm not really a good thread starter....Soooo...if anyone else wants to have a go, feel free.


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