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Do You Have An Extra 14 Million Vietnamese DONGS On You?

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posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 11:08 AM
Well.... I knew it was going to happen sooner or later..... the Americanization of Vietnam. My first hint was when my Agent/Webmaster/Attorney Will Snyder told me a few months ago that we could get a Vietnam Web Address..... which would be PERFECT for Radio First Termer.

With little paperwork to fill out and two hundred dollars (US)..... we were in business. Ever since we completed the deal, I now receive ANY and EVERYTHING in Vietnamese. It really taxes my brain because my limited use of the Vietnamese language was in negotiation with whores and barmaids

Well, today I get this shortcut in English.

So I think... wow... maybe they are going to start promoting in English. WRONG! So, I click on... and the first thing I see is a Helicopter. I freaked for a second until I realized it was one of those miniatures.

I think you will get a kick out of what things cost in Vietnam. They have some things listed in US Dollars and some in VND Vietnamese DONGS. One item has been reduced from $17,000,000.00 (17 Million VND) to $14,000,000.00 (14 Million VND).

Anyway... have fun figuring out stuff. Let me know what you thought was the most outrageous.


NOTE: I Changed The Copy To REFLECT "DONGS". Their currency is now called VND (Vietnamese Dollars). They were going to call it VD, but that didn't get approved!

[edit on 4/30/2008 by Dave Rabbit]

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 03:12 PM
Hi Dave

The currency code VNÐ actually stands for Vietnamese Ðong.

1 USD = ~14.000 VNÐ

But yeah, with that kind of exchange rate, you'll see some insane prices

The largest bill is a 100.000 VNÐ, some pictures of the bills here;



posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 03:36 PM
ahhh.... an EXPERT at money exchange..... GREAT.... just what we need. Well, although I would LOVE to make a comment on the "DONG"..... guess I will let it pass...... got to admit... their finance minister had a sense of humor. It has been so long ago... I had forgotten what their money was called, quite frankly. We normally used MPC (Military Payment Certificates) or GREENBACKS (if we didn't get caught with them).

Thanks for the post!


posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 05:13 PM
Maybe you can pay in MPC?

Phrases I recall: G.I. you Dinky dau!
Boocoo Boom Boom!
Laday homikai!

I remember hearing the dinky dau one a lot.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 05:24 PM
Yep, the end of the war ended all the whore houses and barmaids, now they're stuck with a bunch of loose Dongs over there.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 05:24 PM
Yeah... Dinky Dow...... Number One..... Number Ten Thou (thousand) which referred to VC and Uncle Ho. I remember how nuts everything went during MPC EXCHANGE.... remember that Kim? Unannounced and secret..... but, as you and I both know, there were THOSE that had an inside track..... and bought MPC at a fraction of the cost from the bars and whorehouses..... then exchanged it for a tidy profit. I knew a guy who made about 10 grand one time at Phan Rang. Big time gambler.


posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 06:24 PM
Dave, i do remember the MPC exchanges. But I never made any money at it. But I knew some who did. I just don't know how they got that money home. Some claimed they won it at cards. Dinky dau m_____f_____r's

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 07:23 PM
Yeah... gambling was the biggest "reason" given. However, I do know for a fact that some of those guys simply mailed GREENBACKS back home in gifts, etc. to their families. I don't recall... but it seems to me that the limit was $2,000.00..... and I don't remember, maybe you do, if that was monthly, annually or entire tour.


posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 07:33 PM
Do You Have An Extra 14 Million Vietnamese DONGS On You?????

I,m pretty bloody sure i don,t!! why on earth would people collect asian orientated penises i do NOT know..!!

Try stamps or top trumps for god,s sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 07:55 PM
....... right there with you. What a DUMB name for currency.


posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 01:34 AM
I certainly hope not. I gave them up for ramadan. I'd brush them off me with a lint buster. Stupid dongs. Funny the bedfellows US makes after 80,000 dead. Very funny. I wish the 'deciders' would take the front lines for the first month. That was only American, not to mention Kmer Rouge (sp butchard) and Pol Pot. Long live the Dead Kennedys.

[edit on 15-10-2007 by jpm1602]

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by Dave Rabbit

That's not a very nice thing to say about other people's currency. "Dong" probably means something not obscene in Vietnamese. Now if you're talking about Canadian money...

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 01:45 AM
That's why I like you Beachcoma, you always make me laugh no matter.
I'll shake your flipper any day!

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 09:15 AM
Ok, only because no one else has said it.....

Nope, I only have one DONG, and I don't wish to get rid of it!

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