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Seeing strange creatures

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posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 05:55 AM
3 foot people?

How about the hundreds of midget people, my greatest respects go out to them.

Take care,
- Nazgarn

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 12:07 PM
I would say, u probablyhave an evil entity in ur house of some form.
It certainly aint a friendly entity. Or one dat likes u. Cuz the friendly ones dont scare you. & im sure ur scared to some point of it.
My advise, move out, have someone come & bless th house & remove all evil entities & u & ur family.
& move out as quickly as possible.
Dat sh*t aint funny.


posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 01:35 PM
I never heard of anything like this before. The best solution might be to wish those "creations" into a corn field
like the twilight zone.

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 01:53 PM
to the originator of this thread, you said you have been told they might be from a lower dimension. Who told you this?

I must admit, if a three foot tall dude with a three foot tall horse and a tiny albino pig started swiping my porn (what else do people still have on vhs?) I'd probably take whatever tapes I could carry and flee the cursed home.

You also said a screwdriver appeared between someone's legs. Was it floating or was it being carried by one of the little folks? Was it being used in a defensive or attacking manner or did it appear as if the carrier was merely trying to tighten a loose screw that they thought could be found between said person's legs?


posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 10:26 PM
think about what I wrote about living people projecting 3 foot tall may be out there bothering someone yourself if you get angry, scared, jealous and greedy about may be looking like a half pint to someone else right you know where all your mind is right now? think of it as your child leaving home, maybe some of you will teach your children better than your parents taught you.....hope so.

and no this dimension does not make the usual sounds you can hear with your ears except a distant high pitched noise and the sound of thunder does twist the words of people talking to make it sound like they are talking about you.....also it traps noises you make and plays them back later at a distance...if you are aware you will remember this, it can also combine and alter these trapped sounds and words,,,but not very often for me at least,. I call a spade a spade and when I hear it, I understand it.

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 01:25 AM
Spiderj - I don't think that I am by any large amounts of energy output, I'm out in the country.

Baphomet79 - I have never experience anything similar to this before.
The house is old
We are christians who are very spritual, not the most fundamental
I have never had a experience like this as a child. Me and my wife have both seen ghost, we are both amerature ghost hunters, but nothing like this, this is very different

Umbra Sideralis - no sounds

Sdrawkcab - I can't move right, I'm moving next summer. I have a home business and I'm having to move next year, it would be to much money right now.

crakeur- okay you got me on that one, because no one actually verbally told me, I really read it out of a Sylvia Browne book and I didn't want to say because it could make me look crazier.
The horse and pig were actually less than 1 ft high only the figure was around 3ft.
The screwdriver just appeared there and the tape which wasn't a porn just disappeared. which actually freaks me out more.

nothing has happened in days. Me and my wife are starting to wonder if it did not happen because our 11 year old niece was there, nothing has ever happened before and when we are by ourselves. She also messed up one of our computers by turning it just went buzark and in two rooms the light bulbs were out we she went in them, it was even hotter than it usually is in the house with every thing on and after she left the temp. out side was higher but the house temp went back to normal. We thought that it was a coincidence but now we are not sure. She has personally always had weird things happen to her whole life like she says she talks to ghost and remebers past lifes things like that. The reason me and my wife are interested in helping people with ghost is because of all the times we have been bothered by them in her house.

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 02:33 AM

Spiderj - I don't think that I am by any large amounts of energy output, I'm out in the country.

Okay. Where in Texas are you? No power lines by the house?

The house is old

How old? Have you renovated it recently, if not when was the last time the wiring and everything was updated...depending on how old the house is.

Also could you clear up for me what you said about your niece. Did these things only happen while she was staying with you or did they intensify when she was staying with you.

If the strange things happened only while she was there then it could be some sort of poltergeist, not the movie.


Poltergeist is usually psychokinetic but maybe it's some variation on a theme or something.

Also I hate to say it but if you cant find a reasonable explanation you may want to look into these guys.

I don't know much about them other than what I've seen on the show and even though it's sort of a little industry now they seem sincere enough.

Anybody with personal experience with TAPS may be able to help you more.

You mentioned that your niece has a history of odd events occuring when she is around, I'd certainly like to hear more about that.

Just my two cents but I'm personally not a big sylvia brown fan she seems a bit of a phony to me...just my opinion true believers, but hey when your looking for answers look everywhere, well pretty much everywhere.


posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 03:18 AM
I live about a hour east of Waco, Tx. and yes there are power lines, I thought that you meant like a power plant.

I do not know how old this place is but a least over 50 years, which is not that old to most but to me it is. No renovating

This things happened while she was here as far as I know

On my niece I always thought that she might me kinetic, because she always effects electical things.

Well a little on my niece. She has always told everyone that she has talked to three ghost. One a older man, a younger man in his 40's and a man that she calls elvis(funny). She has always had problems with electrical things breaking on her. She also says that she has lots of dreams where she lives in france and has a horse and talks about different people she knows. Nothing to strange, just a little strange.

Now on the people she talks to her mother, grandmother, brother, my wife and me have seen them each a few times over the years.

I can only tell my story, but I was asleep one night on their couch and was woken up by a man I guess you could say, but he was totally black figure, what most people call shadow people, but not red eyes and I did not feel that he was demon, I actually felt he was scared, He was talking to me, but not thought words(I know this sounds crazy), I just could seens that he wanted me to go with him and I could sense that he was male and a older gentleman. Over to his left by a wall was another like him, did you sense he wanted anything but that he was male and younger. To say the least I was very much a coward and put my face in my pillow and started praying. After probably 30 seconds I heard a lot of noise coming out of the kitchen like cabinet and draws being opened a lot of noise like someone was in a hurry. This was about five years ago, alot of strange things like this have happened there before. Now they have since have moved out of that house and live on a lake. Only a few things have happened there, the only thing that happened to me happened probably a couple of months ago, I was woken up again at the new place and a figure was standing next to me and then left. But since it happened so quickly and I was a sleep, I do not know if it happened or my mind was playing tricks on me. The 1st thing in the house with the two figure I got woken up pretty good and it was going on for a while, so I have no doubt in my mind.

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 02:57 PM
So do these things only happen when you are with or near your niece? SUch as the couch incident. What about the girls parents have they ever had experiences as a child or adult?

How close are the power lines to your house?

You really may want to call TAPS I think they're far more experienced than most of us on the board.

I said most don't want to offend anyone here with lots of in the field experience.

In regards to your first post, can you describe the saddle in detail?


posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 07:39 PM
Im glad that stuff doesnt happen to me. But being harmed by things you cant see is bad too.

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by buckaroo
Wow this is certainly exiting I hope this isn't a crazy hoax of some kind.

Did the little man ride on the little horse with the warrior like saddle ?

Did he fall off ?

As for my advice Try to communicate with the little man , the very next time he appears , be careful not to alarm him by making any sudden movements , maybe offer him a small gift of food ? a small piece of cheese perhaps ?

Remember hes probably alot more scared of you than you are of him , once you've gained his trust maybe try and get him to pose for a picture of two (better yet have your missus hide behind some thing ...... a plant maybe ? and take the picture hers self)Then post up the pictures to ATS.

Good luck CORTARA , You just might have made some very special new little friends .

Oh P.S if you have a cat or dog I would suggest not letting them any where near the small pig it may prove a very tasty little treat for them , and could alarm the little man.

Your not supposed to talk to the paranormal b/c they will just get at at you more. Just keep quit and pretend they are not there like I do when things are hurting me and I cant see it. Maybe thats why nothing flys around the room and disapeares. Just be cautious though b/c it might get worse like them hurting you.

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by CORTARA
Spiderj - I don't think that I am by any large amounts of energy output, I'm out in the country.

Baphomet79 - I have never experience anything similar to this before.
The house is old
We are christians who are very spritual, not the most fundamental
I have never had a experience like this as a child. Me and my wife have both seen ghost, we are both amerature ghost hunters, but nothing like this, this is very different

Umbra Sideralis - no sounds

Sdrawkcab - I can't move right, I'm moving next summer. I have a home business and I'm having to move next year, it would be to much money right now.

crakeur- okay you got me on that one, because no one actually verbally told me, I really read it out of a Sylvia Browne book and I didn't want to say because it could make me look crazier.
The horse and pig were actually less than 1 ft high only the figure was around 3ft.
The screwdriver just appeared there and the tape which wasn't a porn just disappeared. which actually freaks me out more.

nothing has happened in days. Me and my wife are starting to wonder if it did not happen because our 11 year old niece was there, nothing has ever happened before and when we are by ourselves. She also messed up one of our computers by turning it just went buzark and in two rooms the light bulbs were out we she went in them, it was even hotter than it usually is in the house with every thing on and after she left the temp. out side was higher but the house temp went back to normal. We thought that it was a coincidence but now we are not sure. She has personally always had weird things happen to her whole life like she says she talks to ghost and remebers past lifes things like that. The reason me and my wife are interested in helping people with ghost is because of all the times we have been bothered by them in her house.

You probably wont like this but most of those things follow you when you move.
Like those things that follow me around me 24/7 and get scary sometimes, I feel them grabbing me sometimes when Im with my friends and in a group of large people. And they also seem to follow me into church and that where it gets ugly sometimes.

[edit on 11-6-2006 by wildcat]

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 09:21 PM
Wildcat you sound like an all together different type of case. However this case definitely seems place related despite the instances with your niece. You mentioned you are religious, what will it hurt? You might as well have your Priest/ Pastor/ whatever Denomination you believe in, come to your house and bless it. Make sure all the members of the family that regularly live there are present, and if you could work it, have your sensitive niece there. If it is in fact connected to a person, at the point of the blessing of a house they are present in, I am willing to place my money on that you will have your answer. I.E. Demonic entities are extremely good at hiding their presence within an individual with the exception of bringing a Holy Person into their presence and have him precede to sanctify everything around them, that tends to work them up abit :p . If not, it is likely that a blessing of your house would be all that is required.

(P.S. Unless you read/ know the majority of the type of posts I make on the subject, this one thread comes across as very bible beating, Satan, demons blah blah. That is not me at all, and this case to me seems legitimate.)

[edit on 11-6-2006 by Baphomet79]

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 02:33 PM
Spiderj, about the power lines they are like regular lines outside a house, I personally do not know much about electricity and the lines and what is normal and what would not be considered normal.

On all the strange things that have happened we have decided that if it happens again that we will call some friends of ours that have been paranormal investigators for quite some time now.

I'm personally not worried about being hurt or any family members because I believe that the white light of the lord will protect us from any harm. But if it does keep happen I would bring someone in who could do a blessing on the house, heck it might just need one anyway.

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by CORTARA
On all the strange things that have happened we have decided that if it happens again that we will call some friends of ours that have been paranormal investigators for quite some time now.

Thats probably a good idea. Now I don't know your friends or how they investigate so please do not take this as a personal attack but....make sure they are the type of investigators who don't jump immediately down the rabbit hole.

It will not do you or your wife and family any good if they do not spend the good amount of their time eliminating all the real world/mundane/expainable things that could account for your situation before diving head first into the world of spirits, interdimensinoal vortices, elves and/or fairies well you know the list.

Good luck and please do post more as it occurs.


EDIT: Um is there a mod watching who can tell me what the heck happened with my quote thing. Is this a problem on my end, is it new or is this just a hiccup do to the current site changes/updates? thanks spider.

[edit on 6/12/2006 by Spiderj]

Mod Edit: Fixed Quote.

[edit on 12-6-2006 by ZeddicusZulZorander]

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 03:07 PM
I will post if something more happens, but I hope I don't have to

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by CORTARA
I will post if something more happens, but I hope I don't have to

I do as well...actually that's a lie I find this story very interesting and am actually hoping you have another experience(as long as no one gets hurt:up

How sick is that.


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