posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 08:01 PM
Hey Rand,
Most of the saylor creek area is (or was) both an old aerial bombing range and part of the old Artillery range used mostly by the Idaho National
Guard. Since the population of this area has grown it's not used much anymore.
As for people there - they are for the most part farmers that have been in the area for decades.
Some of the old site that we see now with airplane bodies on them are just that old rusting up pieces of metal. The Air force still does use it
(near the bunker) now and then for practice runs in F-15's and F-16's. There was an old radar site out there but that was taken apart a long time
Out there now is the usual MP's that make a once a day drive through. You are right on the odd fencing. Colonel Reynolds (retired) told me that
back in the 60's and the 70's there were alot of testing of different ordnance used in the military. Many of the old farmers out there still are
having trouble on a smaller scale with old ordnance that did not explode. So, there is always a danger out there. The bunker that we see used to be an
actual radar center that was used quite alot aparently. But almost everything has been removed. Fences still keep out sheep
and people on 4 wheelers. With permission you can go out there. They have a big area all blocked off because of ordnance dangers. I have spent alot of
time out in these desert areas around here and there is always something wierd going on. Everything from an alledged landing in 78 to seeing
triangular craft in the skies. But out there you never know because of the close proximity to Mountain Home AFB. There are alot antelope there as
well. That's about it but I do keep a watch on that area also because I also own 200 acres out in that area that I plan on developing into an outdoor
shooting range here real soon.