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can someone explaine what Isaw?

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posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 11:58 PM
This morning I was awoken because I felt there was someone next to me. I saw my mom standing next to my bed smiling at me. She was wearing a short sleeve shirt with black and white stripes. Without saying anything she turns around and walked away from me towards my closet. As she was walking away she became less visible until she dissapeared. I was really shocked and scared. I turned to look at my clock and saw it was 4:58am. Have anyone ever had an experience like this before. Can someone tell me what I saw and what it meant? It couldn't of been my mom's ghost because she is still alive. Thank you

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 12:19 AM
It sounds a bit like a hypnopompic dream (also called hypnopompic hallucination). They vary a bit from person to person and are scary the first time you experience one.

There are two varieties - hypnogogic and hypnopompic, one occurring as you're falling asleep, the other occurring when you're waking up. I get the falling asleep ones a lot.

Consider this scenario: I've gone to bed and think I'm awake. I hear voices outside my window and even hear footsteps going past. I'm scared stiff. I lie there and listen, straining all my senses. Eventually, it all fades away. The next morning I've remembered all this clearly. I know it's been raining for the past few days and any real person would have left footprints on the lawn outside my windows. When I go and check on the grass, what do I find? Nothing. No trace that the grass has been disturbed at all.

The above is just one example of these dreams I've had over the years. There are others. As I said, I get them quite frequently. I can recognise them now. There's usually something "wrong" with them, like seeing one of my cats outside when I know she's locked in for the night, little things like that. Have a look at Wikipedia for more information.

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 01:49 AM
It could possibly have been your mother's astral body visiting you.
I'm guessing she was probably asleep at that hour.

I came home late one night and saw a family member standing in the hallway fully dressed yet transparent like a ghost. She was actually physically sound asleep in bed clothes in the next room.
I checked after the apparition disappeared before my eyes.

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by point
It could possibly have been your mother's astral body visiting you.
I'm guessing she was probably asleep at that hour.

I came home late one night and saw a family member standing in the hallway fully dressed yet transparent like a ghost. She was actually physically sound asleep in bed clothes in the next room.
I checked after the apparition disappeared before my eyes. [/quoteYes my mom was asleep. Could it of been a dobbleganger?

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 10:08 PM
the bible says demons can manifest as a relative there called familiar spirits they will manifest as a loved one to deceive you.
sincerely james

posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 10:32 AM
Your mom may have been dreaming or thinking about you.
It may also be one of those signs we sometimes get.
I'd like to ask you to do something and to post what happens.

Call your mom. Tell her what you saw (let her think it was a dream if you want). Let her comment. She may have been thinking about you, she may have drempt about you. And if she has no idea - no dreams, no reason this could have happened - tell you mom to BE CAREFUL, and if her health is bad or if she hasn't been to the doctors lately - have her go get a check up.

The spirit often knows when 'it's time' before the person themselves know. That's why so many times people say that it's strange that just a few days before someone dies they do certain things that seem out of charactar or call people or visit or say things that makes you wonder if somehow they knew. Even if they didn't know they were about to die, sometimes the spirit does.

Now don't get all freaked out - I'm not saying your mom is going to die... it could also be a clue for you to have her looked at, make she her body don't have any problems that needs looking into.

Or - it could also be absolutely nothing at all.

But do talk to your mom and please let me know what she says


posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
Your mom may have been dreaming or thinking about you.
It may also be one of those signs we sometimes get.
I'd like to ask you to do something and to post what happens.

Call your mom. Tell her what you saw (let her think it was a dream if you want). Let her comment. She may have been thinking about you, she may have drempt about you. And if she has no idea - no dreams, no reason this could have happened - tell you mom to BE CAREFUL, and if her health is bad or if she hasn't been to the doctors lately - have her go get a check up.

The spirit often knows when 'it's time' before the person themselves know. That's why so many times people say that it's strange that just a few days before someone dies they do certain things that seem out of charactar or call people or visit or say things that makes you wonder if somehow they knew. Even if they didn't know they were about to die, sometimes the spirit does.

Now don't get all freaked out - I'm not saying your mom is going to die... it could also be a clue for you to have her looked at, make she her body don't have any problems that needs looking into.

Or - it could also be absolutely nothing at all.

But do talk to your mom and please let me know what she says

I have already talked to my mom. She said she wasn't thinking about me nor was she dreaming about me. But she said that sometimes when people sleep thier astral form will come out and roam around. She have had high blood sugar but it is not very serious and she's been doing alot of excercises and eating right and it is under control. thank you

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 01:01 AM
I had some thing weird happen to me, I am not claiming any thing just wondering what happened to me. It was around 3 at night and I was laying in my bed getting ready to sleep, and I closed my eyes. The next thing I know. I could still see my room and tv on but I could not move, and I was terrified. I couldn’t even pick up my hands or any thing, and the direction I was facing a light hit me right in my head, and then I was able to move. My mom and bro came in my room, and told me I was yelling for help. Does any one know what happened, this was a few weeks ago. My girl friend told me I was probably sleeping, but it was weird I don’t remember yelling help, my mom said it was loud. What do you all think, maybe I am stressed out.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 01:35 AM
Does your family have a semi-frequent occurance of unexplainable events? I ask this because it sounds a lot like an experience my father had several times when he was in the Navy. On many instances, he was awakened by his mother (who was alive and well until her death last year - my father was in the Navy during Vietnam), often just in time to make morning chow on the ship, and once or twice to alert him to rough seas conditions, which all hands were needed for (my father was stationed on a minesweeper, and any of you who have served aboard one, know how rough it can get during high seas). Additionally, my Auntie Carm was visited by her dead husband, two weeks after he died, to say goodbye to her (he appeared as a figure in her kitchen, apologized for being in the wrong house, and said goodbye. She just knew it was him). I was visited by my mother's father three days after he died (my brother saw him too) so he could say goodbye. Additionally, I was awakened by my mother at Boy Scout camp (my first extended period away from home), just in time to prevent a common, yet embarrassing camp prank on myself. My mother is still alive and well.

My family has long been known for premonition dreams and unexplainable phenomenon. I myself have experienced many, and upon discussing some of my earlier ones with family members, learned of the others that have occured throughout both sides of my family.

I don't have a technical term for these experiences, but I do know they can happen. Whether you're a spiritualist trying to hone your skills, or just an average person who has experienced something unexplainable, these things do happen, and I fully believe that it's a part of human life that is, as yet, unexplainable, and unprovable by science as we know it. I've noticed that events like this, especially with untrained people, are more common in families that have a history of experiencing these sort of things.

My family is largely Roman Catholic on my father's side, and Protestant on my mother's side, and neither side has many (if any) believers in the pagan faiths. They just accept these things at face value, as part of the unexplained aspects of being human. Once you've experienced something like this, it's virtually impossible to deny it, so most just incorporate it into their beliefs.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by ProjectX1986
I had some thing weird happen to me, I am not claiming any thing just wondering what happened to me. It was around 3 at night and I was laying in my bed getting ready to sleep, and I closed my eyes. The next thing I know. I could still see my room and tv on but I could not move, and I was terrified. I couldn’t even pick up my hands or any thing, and the direction I was facing a light hit me right in my head, and then I was able to move. My mom and bro came in my room, and told me I was yelling for help. Does any one know what happened, this was a few weeks ago. My girl friend told me I was probably sleeping, but it was weird I don’t remember yelling help, my mom said it was loud. What do you all think, maybe I am stressed out.

This sounds like the phenomenon of sleep paraylisis. It's known that when the body enters the dream state, a form of paralysing natural drug is released into the body to keep the body from flailing about during a dream (for instance, if you're walking, fighting, or other physical actions in a dream, the body will interpret it as reality, and will react accordingly. Without these natural chemicals, we'd often trash our beds/rooms on a nightly basis). You said it happened just as you were falling asleep. Chances are, you actually fell asleep, and you experienced a dream and woke up, thus subjecting you to sleep paraylisis. Typically, sleep paraylisis will wear off before waking up, but in instances where a person wakes up suddenly from a full dream state, it will take a few moments for the paraylisis to subside. It's normal, though frightening. The cries for help were likely occuring in your sleep. It's not uncommon for people to talk in their sleep, or even get agitated or loud in their cries while sleeping. This would explain not being able to remember it. I've had a few instances where I've actually awakened myself by yelling in my sleep. It happens, and is nothing to worry about.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 01:53 AM
Thanks obsidian468 , I was freaking out so bad. It was like one of the most scariest moments of my life. Your right, it did take a few seconds to wear off “but in instances where a person wakes up suddenly from a full dream state, it will take a few moments for the paraylisis to subside“. Thanks for the help, I feel better now. Take care bro

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by ProjectX1986
Thanks obsidian468
*rest of quote deleted for consiceness*

It's not a problem at all. I've long been researching into the realm of dream states and phychic abilities (mostly to understand my own experiences, but partly also for general knowledge of these things), and do wish to help anyone that doesn't understand or becomes frightened by these phenomenon.

If you ever need further help, please feel free to ask.


posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 02:06 AM
What you saw is a telepathic memory from someone else who is living. Dreams are made up of telepathic memories of others. They can spill over into the awake state, particularly right after you wake up. The mind is more receptive to telepathy in the theta and delta brainwave state of mind, these waveforms are common at a dream stage.
I once saw a periscope with an eyeball at the end of it looking me rihgt in the face when I opened my eyes. Imagination also can be telepathically transferred, probably from a kid who saw a cartoon.
The feeling of being touched is because the brain and all the nervous system to the skin is one organ receptive to all the senses that you have.....touch included.

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