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Bush is a maniac

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posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 07:35 PM
Whys is Bush moving to threats?...i heard that he was threating Venezuala for their oil..something like that....why is he doing this...we dont have the man power to fight two wars....please fill me in on this cuz it is confusing.

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 02:41 AM
Yes the guy has problems. I Agree

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 06:26 AM
What you heard are the nitwit lefts ridiculous ridicule. Everythingthing sucks and it's all BUSHES fault. It's so automatic and thoughtless that it proves how dismantling the medias power is over they're weakest consumers. Who all apparently reside on the left side of the aisle.

How about investigating, "what you heard" instead of passing out heresay on the subject? Not that busting that theiving commie chavez in the ass is a bad idead, just that we have to be more subtle about it to ensure the wellfare of this country- which is the most important issue...

posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Earlybird
What you heard are the nitwit lefts ridiculous ridicule. Everythingthing sucks and it's all BUSHES fault. It's so automatic and thoughtless that it proves how dismantling the medias power is over they're weakest consumers. Who all apparently reside on the left side of the aisle.

How about investigating, "what you heard" instead of passing out heresay on the subject? Not that busting that theiving commie chavez in the ass is a bad idead, just that we have to be more subtle about it to ensure the wellfare of this country- which is the most important issue...

the media is mostly moderate leaning conservative or outright conservative (fox news and most of talk radio). maybe 1/3 of the media is moderate leaning liberal.

thieving commie chavez?
that's called libel

ensuring the welfare of this country?
we're pretty damn well off, and it's not the most important issue. human rights accross the globe, world peace, ending world hunger, global warming, overpopulation, urban sprawl, seperation of church and state, corruption, just to name a few are probably more important. this is a country that's been attacked twice in 100 years, that makes us one of the most secure nations on the planet. the only other instances of us being attacked are when we provoked britain by seperating from it, and then by attacking canada.

bush was a drunk, a failed businessman, a person who paid his way through college, possibly a coccain user, and a man who started a war for reasons that were outright lies. he has appointed cronies, rewarded incompetance, hidden truth, called for limits on freedom, and was fraudulently elected...

he's also responsible for the death of over 40,000 people, 2,200+ american troops and 38,000+ iraqi civilians

not everything is his fault, but plenty of the problems we have can be traced to bush.

before you make any baseless claims, bring me proof. i can give you proof on all of my claims

posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 08:49 PM
Actually if you look at the facts Hugo Chavez has been popularly elected 5 times. I'm not sure Bush was ever popularly elected. Chavez would rather take his oil revenue and help raise the standard of living of his people. He does not want the US taking his oil and paying the normal 10%. If thats socialism or communism then so be it, it's not our oil. Look at Nigeria history repeats itself. Globalism does not benefit everyone. If the US thinks it can continue to run roughshod over the world we better adopt a nuclear first strike policy. Oh we already have

[edit on 7-6-2006 by polanksi]

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 07:47 AM
If there were only one liberal news source, that would be the only news source you freaks found credable.

Chavez STOLE all the oil infrastructure from the businesses that put it there and also spent the money on exploration. He hates the US and has buddied up with all our enemies, apparently you included.

As far as the welfare of the nation being the most important thing. You inherited the worlds leading economic power, the worlds highest standard of living, a nation filled with entrepeneural spirit, the key to freedom and success. The US is GIANT evidence that capitalism works. What would your children inheritate? A third world nation rampant with crime and poverty? Probably speaking spanish. Definately dependent on the government. If your ilk were the majority at any time in our history we might be speaking German, or even French. Maybe Cherokee?

By the look of your list of issues however I am glad to see you would agree to getting rid of the UN. That would certainly help to solve everything.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 03:41 PM
hte oil infrastructure was built on land stolen from peasent farmers by the so called "fair" nature of capitalism. also, in venuzeula, oil is about a dime per gallon.

chavez hasn't really allied with ALL of our enemies. hell, they haven't really allied themselves with anybody. they have no formal treaties with any of our enemies.

also, you implied that i am an enemy of the united states. the fact that i want the majority of the people to have a higher standard of living, even if the wealthiest people in the country have to be knocked down from unimaginably wealthy to insanely wealthy. i just want the poor to get richer and the rich to get a tiny bit poorer, is that too bad?

also, what makes english so superior of a language? you give off the putrid stench of ethnocenterism when you talk about how my children would be speaking a different language. and don't insult the cherokee language, it's more complex, subtle, and flavorful than english.

i don't want to get rid of the UN, i want a huge overhall of the UN, and i want it moved to switzerland (only truely neutral country deserves the UN), but i don't want it demolished.

i want the world to be more equal. i don't thousands of children to starve every day because of where they were born. so if my ilk were in control at any point in history, maybe the world would be egalitarian without hunger. so what if we wouldn't have people that wipe their rear with more money than most third world families will see in several generations, aren't human lives worth more than that.

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
hte oil infrastructure was built on land stolen from peasent farmers by the so called "fair" nature of capitalism. also, in venuzeula, oil is about a dime per gallon.

You have NO evidence of this because it doesn't exist. Try making somethingelse up justplainmad

chavez hasn't really allied with ALL of our enemies. hell, they haven't really allied themselves with anybody. they have no formal treaties with any of our enemies.

I guess you're too glued to your fictional news sources to have noriced his little world tour bashing the US at every stop. Uh, I think it's time to flip your Dixie chicks album over...

also, you implied that i am an enemy of the united states.

So did you.

the fact that i want the majority of the people to have a higher standard of living, even if the wealthiest people in the country have to be knocked down from unimaginably wealthy to insanely wealthy. i just want the poor to get richer and the rich to get a tiny bit poorer, is that too bad?

Your sense of fairess, justice, and equlity have all been warped as to become unrecognizable. Your huge heart is basically rendered useless by the lack of a brain, or perhaps it's been hijacked by indoctrinating teachers?

also, what makes english so superior of a language? you give off the putrid stench of ethnocenterism when you talk about how my children would be speaking a different language. and don't insult the cherokee language, it's more complex, subtle, and flavorful than english.

I wasn't implying the English is the best language nitwit. Only that the language of the land only changes because bad things are happening to the locals. Ask one of your complex, flavorful friends.

i want the world to be more equal. i don't thousands of children to starve every day because of where they were born. so if my ilk were in control at any point in history, maybe the world would be egalitarian without hunger. so what if we wouldn't have people that wipe their rear with more money than most third world families will see in several generations, aren't human lives worth more than that.

Equal and fair aren't the same thing. You have to go back to these most basic principles and get a better grip on them. See if your only off a couple degrees in the beginning, you'll be hundereds of miles off by the time you get here.

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 01:50 PM
I think the way he talks is funny. Loud - soft and stops. He pauses alot. Funny

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 02:09 PM
*roasts marshmellows on the flames*
look, you guys need to chill out. seriously.

as for the OP's question, nothing has been brought to light (at least not yet anyway), about Bush threatning to go to war with Venezuela. this doesn't mean it's not happening, then again it doesn't mean that it is. it wouldn't surprise me, though, as this administration has hidden alot from it's public adgenda.

as far as the land stealing point that was brought up, just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. if you want the history of Venezuela, and how land was aquired from its original inhabitants, i suggest you research it for yourself. i guarantee you, it's quite similar to how the whites came to aquire the land from the original Native Americans..

[edit on 2-7-2006 by karby]

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 05:22 PM
As for the Poor getting a little more rich and the rich a little more poor, sounds a lot like Communism.

Been tried, failed and closed book. Oh yea, there is China, I suppose they are your heros.

I would love to see all of your "Proof" on your absolutely ridiculous allegations towards President Bush. Especially liked the "POSSIBLE" Cocaine user. HAHAHAHA

The hatred directed toward President Bush only further supports his character over people like you. That he can stand in the path of unrelenting LIES and false allegations and still stick to his convictions is proof he is more of a man.


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