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to aid my search for truth...

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posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 03:27 PM
im soon to be joining the freemasons hopefully, so i will try to get 2 understand as much as i can, and answer any questions that u may have

im here 2 help

peace out


posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 05:13 PM
lol...your kinda late, there are already a few of us here, fighting the good fight for years now. Some of us 32nd and 33rd degreed in the scottish rite as well.
and youll find there is no "truth" to share.

[edit on 6-6-2006 by yin_yang]

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 05:23 PM
Really can you teach me the secret hand shake?

Is their a secret hand shake?

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 01:41 AM
a little off topic, but i used to hang around the old scotish rite in Seattle after hours with the janitor. i could have sworn the place was haunted

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 01:44 AM
i used to work for a hotel here in michigan that was build by a masonic lodge. it was an old manson, and a summer home on lake michigan back in the late 1800's.

See a thred called Michillinda Lodge for more info, but it was TOTALLY haunted.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 01:53 AM
STupid question about masons, what the diffrence between the "free masons" and the
"regular masons" or is there no diffrence.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 02:44 AM
I have question for some of you masons, if you are willing to indulge me. What was it that brought you to the idea of joining this group. I see nothing wrong with hanging in a group, but when it comes down to swear my allegence to a group without knowing what they may ask of me, is bit hard for me to understand. Please enlighten me, thank you for your truthful responses.


Blake K. Stoltman

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by imbalanced
STupid question about masons, what the diffrence between the "free masons" and the
"regular masons" or is there no diffrence.

There is no practical difference between 'freemason' and 'mason', although the phrase 'regular mason' has a specific meaning, as does 'irregular mason'.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 03:17 AM
thanks for the quick response, just wanted to make sure the masons are all one huge group of people.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by BStoltman
I have question for some of you masons, if you are willing to indulge me. What was it that brought you to the idea of joining this group. I see nothing wrong with hanging in a group, but when it comes down to swear my allegence to a group without knowing what they may ask of me, is bit hard for me to understand. Please enlighten me, thank you for your truthful responses.


Blake K. Stoltman

Well Blake, I have never sworn my allegiance to anyone, within OR without freemasonry. This is an old wives tale put about by people with an anti-masonic agenda of their own.

Incidentally, you might get more responses from freemasons to your questions if you refrain from the phrase 'you masons' which can be interpreted as derogatory. Also implying that you are expecting some freemasons to lie to you is an unnecessary addition to your question. You will be pleased to know that I have never seen a malicious lie posted on ATS by a freemason, although there have been a few factual errors.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 03:27 AM
I humbly apologize for the use of "you masons" in my sentence. I ment no disrespect. Then may I ask you, if you don't have to swear oaths at the initiation of some levels, then what exactly do you have to do in the initiations may I ask.

Thanks for your knowledge,


Blake K. Stoltman


posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by imbalanced
thanks for the quick response, just wanted to make sure the masons are all one huge group of people.

Well that's not quite true, a regular mason is an "official" freemason. An irregular mason is what the regular masons call masonic groups that they don't believe are regular masons.

Now if you happen across an irregular mason and talk to them they will in many cases claim to be regular masons.

And to further confuse the issue there are some masonic groups like the prince hall masons that the regular masons don't agree if they are regular or not.

Then you have groups like the O.T.O. who do not claim to be masons, but are called masons by the anti-masons, and sometimes called irregular masons by some masons.

[edit on 6/15/2006 by Cug]

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by TheOne12345
im soon to be joining the freemasons hopefully, so i will try to get 2 understand as much as i can, and answer any questions that u may have

im here 2 help

peace out


Do you think that by joining the 'freemasons'', you will get an insight into what really goes on and have answers ready, when many, have been on the inside and only have a few or so comments to make.
Just my thoughts!

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by BStoltman
I humbly apologize for the use of "you masons" in my sentence. I ment no disrespect. Then may I ask you, if you don't have to swear oaths at the initiation of some levels, then what exactly do you have to do in the initiations may I ask.

Thats alright Blake. I guess I'm a little oversensitive sometimes as, believe it or not, there are some people who post to this forum with some odd pre-conceived notions and like to create an 'us and them' situation.

In answer to your question - we do have to make a promise not to reveal the secrets of freemasonry. the secrets are then specified as the 'modes of recognition'. A Master-Elect agrees to some more thing which I won't go into for spoiling the ceremony for any pre-Chair freemasons on the forum, but they are mostly to do with internal administrative masonic matters.

Towards the end of the first degree ceremony in my constitution there is a Charge given to the Initiate which outlines how he should behave and act as a freemason. There is no oath taken regarding these matters and the advice given is best describes as just that - advice. There are other Charges given in further degrees where more advice is discharged, but again no oath is taken by the candidate. Examples of the sort of advice given are 'be a peaceable subject/citizen', 'keep your brothers legal secrets if asked to', that sort of thing. FYI the 'Charge To The Initiate' in the Emulation Ritual is regarded by UGLE as exactly the sort of snippet of ritual that could, and perhaps should, be in the public domain, as it explains quite well what a freemason is and what he does. Emulation Ritual is available widely on the internet for sale from legitimate masonic sources at about £12 ($20)

The Initiation ceremony is just that - an initiation. Part of the power of the ceremony is in not knowing what is coming next, so you can imagine the reluctance of many freemasons to discuss its content in any great detail in the public arena. Those that do, masons and non-masons, are regarded as spoilsports - spoiling the experience for future initiates. But they will not get butchered or anything silly like that.

There is a wide variety of opinion amongst freemasons as to how much ritual should openly be discussed for this very reason - explaining the fraternity versus spoiling the experience. Its a fine line to tread.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 08:13 PM
once you experience the super powers will you not be to scared to talk lol.

No I am more curious if after the study of light and truth or in a kabbalah fashion "uncovering god" if you will have faith if you once did and my next question would is there is a reason for faith?

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by yin_yang
lol...your kinda late, there are already a few of us here, fighting the good fight for years now. Some of us 32nd and 33rd degreed in the scottish rite as well.

Huh? Are you sure? We have 33rds here?

but when it comes down to swear my allegence to a group without knowing what they may ask of me, is bit hard for me to understand.

Just to be clear, this is a conspiracy site, and i'd say that, for anyone that might be holding back, answers to that question look like they'd be a-ok on the board, as its clearly releated to conspiracy.

posted on Jun, 16 2006 @ 02:16 AM
im sorry, that was inaccurate, because i dont know if we have 33rd SR masons here. i DO know we have 32nds...and the difference between 32nd and 33rd is just honorary.

[edit on 16-6-2006 by yin_yang]

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