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Movie review contradiction? Its just my mistake, no worries

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posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 03:54 AM
I watched Ebert and Roeper review the Da Vinci Code, and they gave it two thumbs down, or so I thought. In the local paper, it says the opposite in the ad for the film, two thumbs up. It is possible that I am wrong about what I saw on tv, but they certainly did not praise the movie, and I was quite sure they both gave it the thumbs down.

[edit on 03 22 2005 by BlackGuardXIII]

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 04:12 AM
People have different opinions on different films. Nothing more

I could find a chick flick puke inducingly bad because of its soppyness but a girl could love it and say its the best film ever.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 04:45 AM
online they give it two thumbs up, so I bet I was just not paying attention to the tv show.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 10:58 AM
I like movie reviews, but many times I've seen movies that were panned by movie critics anyway. Sure, they weren't the greatest movie ever made, or far from it, but I enjoyed the mindless entertainment value.
I read the DaVinci Code and now want to see the movie, as I usually enjoy Tom Hanks movies. The clips I've seen in commercials look good. Speaking of clips, sometimes I've seen clips of comedies and saw the movie, only to be disappointed to find that the only funny parts were in the clips. Other times I've seen clips and said no way would I see that movie, no appeal, only to end up watching it at a later date and finding out it wasn't at all like I had thought. Sometimes it's all in the marketing.

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by Flyer
People have different opinions on different films. Nothing more

I may be wrong but I think he means it was the same people.

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 03:02 AM
I watched the tv show, thought I saw them give it two thumbs down. Saw a newspaper ad that said the opposite, went online and read their review which was two thumbs up. On further thinking, I imagine that I inferred from their comments about the Da Vinci Code, and then seeing two thumbs down ( re: one of the other reviews on that episode?), that they panned the movie. Their review was certainly not very positive, and I recall them saying that they didn't think the movie lived up to the hype about the book....
I probably misunderstood the tv show review, and doubt that they did indeed give it two thumbs down, and then later reverse it.
nuff sed.


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