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The Lingering Consequences

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posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 08:59 PM
ah found it.

you can watch the clip at youtube

her name is JENNA ORKIN.

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 09:56 PM
Thanks for the link.

Discusses a lot of hazardous material thrown into the air, including all the asbestos, and the EPA's assertions that the air was nonetheless safe to breathe.

From a clip from the video, EPA Administrator Christie Whitman:

I am glad to reassure the people of New York and Washington, D.C. that their air is safe to breath and their water is safe to drink,

Anyone still willing to defend the government on this?

And I don't suppose all of the hazards listed there account for all of the medical problems so far listed in this thread, either.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 11:01 AM

Another site dealing with air quality at ground zero. The number of deaths attributed to cleaning up at the site is much larger here but then it will only get larger.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 07:25 AM
Over the past 5 years, I have done a great deal of research regarding silica exposure and silicosis. Additionally, I will tell you that I am not a doctor, but the symptoms that you are describing are definitely right in line with that type of exposure. Your exposure would seem to be of the acute silicosis type. You should probably go to an Occupational Medicine physician. I know that Mount Sinai has an excellent facility. An expert on this subject recommended them to me highly. Additionally, the National Jewish Medical Center in Denver is the #1 respiratory hospital in the U.S. There are specific tests that need to be done. They should probably be repeated annually, if possible. These consist of a Chest X-ray that must be read by a Certified B-reader, a TB test, and pulmonary lung function tests. Personally, I would want a film screen radiograph because they have proven to be better in identifying and quantifying interstitial and pleural abnormalities than digital radiographs. I would want my mediastinal lymph nodes to be checked out. I would, also, want an ANA test. There are many underlying autoimmune illnesses related to silicosis. If you want to find support for what I have written to you about, I would go on Google and type one of yours symptoms with the word "silica" or "silicosis" and then continue to do that with each of your symptoms. Also, read about the symptoms of the 1500 people that died at Gauley Bridge in WV. Finally, I hope that you are not diagnosed with this dreadful disease, but if you are diagnosed with it then in some strange way you might find some kind of relief in solving the mystery. I wish you good health from Jill in the Buckeye State.

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