posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 05:41 PM
Two things before I get going here:
1) I love ATS and I have the utmost respect for it's founders and the members. This is a great site; what I'm going to rant about here isn't
anything against the site specifically.
2) I'm probably going to write this in very generic, all-encompassing terms. I know it doesn't apply to all the members, probably not even most of
the members. It's probably a case of a few bad apples spoiling the bunch, but it's just easier to generalize than to constantly write "most of
..." or "quite frequently..." I hope that's understandable. Anyways...
I first found this site over a year ago and I got hooked pretty quick. All sorts of goodies here, from ghosts to aliens to shadow governments,
whatever. I found the articles first--I forget how, searching for 9/11 stuff or something--and then found the forums. Even better--thousands of
people who are in to this stuff, and an environment where everyone can discuss rather outrageous ideas in a friendly, open-minded manner. As lame as
it sounds, I actually awaited my approval notice with excitement when I registered, like I was joining an exclusive club where I might have found a
I was quite active for a while; not as active as a lot of other members, but hardly a day would go by where I didn't put up a good handful of posts.
Did I stand out? Not really, but I can think of a few places where my opinion might have made a difference, or where someone took what I said
Before too long though, I started to see a bit of a general pattern. Someone would post something, people would either argue or agree for a while,
and then the subject dies. It's a message board, fair enough; that's how it works. But what bothers me is that most of the topics discussed on
here are real issues, stuff that affects everyone, and nothing ever gets accomplished.
That may be a bit of an exagerration. I know a quick argument is the ripple effect: one person reads it, tells a friend, who tells a friend, so on
and so forth. Then enough awareness is raised to where someone might ask a question of someone with a bit of power, and maybe it'll snowball into
something bigger.
What I don't understand is why there's never any call to action. I mean, Catherder's thread on the Pentagon attack received 907,905 views as I
write this. Even if only 1/5th of those are unique individuals, that's 194,181 people who can send an email, make a phone call, whatever. The
minute someone starts talking about writing your congressman or whatever, they get ignored, but when someone starts saying that one politician or
party is better than another, there's 20 replies that boil down to little more than "no, you're wrong."
Look at the 9/11 attacks, at least the official story. 20 guys with box cutters directly caused the deaths of roughly 3,000 people, and indirectly
caused the deaths of many more in Afghanistan and Iraq. On each of those planes were what, 100, 150 people? Against 5? The victims on 3 of those
planes did nothing, they let 5 guys with knives take over because that's what they've been told to do all their life. Just sit back and let the
high jackers have their way.
Every day on this board there's countless threads about how a similarly small group of people are high jacking this world, and everyone just sits
back and lets it happen.
I know this is a discussion board. It's not an activist website or anything like that. The purpose is to convey ideas, to share knowledge and
beliefs. But what is the point of trying to change someone's mind (or even changing your own) if nothing ever happens because of it? Why sit around
and complain about how poorly Bush (for example only) is handling Iraq if you aren't going to do anything about it?
That's why I've stopped paying much attention to ATS. With all due respect, the image I have of this site is that it's just somewhere people can
come so they can gripe. Not to accomplish anything. That's fine, but not what I had hoped for.