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who do you think responcible for all those cattle mutilations?

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posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 08:38 AM
So...who do you think responcible for all those cattle mutilations?
Predators and natural decomposition
Strange cults
The government
Extraterrestrial visitors
Extradimensional visitors

or other...
just wondering what every ones views were on this

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 08:52 AM
I seriously doubt that they're cause by aliens.

Maybe they were being used for some tests on new medical procedures or medication. Then after teh experiement failed, the guys would just toss the poor cow and draw a crop circle next to it.

Or it could be a sick joke?

I still think that it has to do something with medical reasons, because the way it's mutilated is unusual.

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 09:10 AM
You would think that if cattle mutiliations were the result of alien experimentation, there would be some historical record happening before the UFO phenomenon hit as big as it did back in the 1940s. I have yet to read of cattle mutilations happening before the mid 20th century. There is a long history of UFO activity on this planet, including encounters with fairy folk and the like, but nothing about surgically dissected cattle. Now it could be that any cattle mutiliations back in earlier years were chalked up to pagan ritual sacrifices or wolf attacks, but I haven't read anything as such.

Due to this, I strongly suspect that cattle mutilations are the result of a government disinformation scheme regarding the reality of extraterrestrials. The oddity of cattle mutilations makes people investigate the wrong thing and thus creates disinformation. Wasted time, money, and effort on cattle mutilations also serves the purpose of disenchanting people who may want to investigate.

I have read of at least a couple supposed crop circle formations in the late 19th century, but that is all. Though I haven't really been looking too hard for information on historical crop circles.

[Edited on 22-10-2003 by heelstone]

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 09:10 AM
I would lean on some messed up cult activity, or the classic extraterrestrial visitor idea, although until someone sees a cattle mutilation happen and videos it, no one's really going to know.

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 09:54 AM
attempting to give extraterrestrials a bad name...
and if they have one already prove it...

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 10:00 AM
Satanists...the evidence is there, and in some cases, has even been proven, with arrests, etc. and recovery of the items used, including an MO....and sometimes copycat hoaxers...cattle rustlers...

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 10:02 AM
yes i would agree thats where the trail ends...

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 06:20 AM
I would say all of the above...
i think all the factors come in to play at some point

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 12:29 AM
I saw a fascinating documentary on this subject a year so ago. A British reporter flew to the states and did a ton of in-depth investigation. What he found was a pattern. Nearly all the mutilations take place in areas either near to nuclear powerplants, or areas that have suffered some form of radioactive contamination in the past (this would explain why no pre WW2 mutilations), be it 'hushed up' or otherwise. So, one side of the theory is that the cows are being 'sampled' to gauge how badly contaminated the land is, without sending the public into a panic. The cows live off the land, hence ingest the toxins, the herds are often all of the same 'family' that have always lived on that land, so the 'test conditions' are near perfect, meaning there's a direct trace and comparison line for the toxins from the 50's until now.The Govt want things kept quiet, so cant just go round to the farmers house and ask to borrow a cow to take a contamination sample from!

The second side to this is the black helicopters which are often seen in the vicinty before and following mutilations. Now apparently this explains HOW the cows are mutilated. Laser scalpels. Killing two birds with one stone, the government is taking this opportunity to experiement with it's secret and newly developed laser scalpel technology. The 'hit and run' situation required for such activity also works as a good training aid for the men involved, simulating covert battle-field conditions. Linking back to the previous paragraph, apparently the bits that the mutilators take (eyes, anus etc) are the best pieces of an animal to use for such longterm contamination tests.

Now make of all that what you will, but the guy on the TV made it sound most convincing!

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 01:19 AM
you would think the aliens would beable to take the annimales and make there own live stock instead of keeping coming here like a all-you-can-eat store

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by SabbyJ
I saw a fascinating documentary on this subject a year so ago. A British reporter flew to the states and did a ton of in-depth investigation. What he found was a pattern. Nearly all the mutilations take place in areas either near to nuclear powerplants, or areas that have suffered some form of radioactive contamination in the past (this would explain why no pre WW2 mutilations), be it 'hushed up' or otherwise. So, one side of the theory is that the cows are being 'sampled' to gauge how badly contaminated the land is, without sending the public into a panic. The cows live off the land, hence ingest the toxins, the herds are often all of the same 'family' that have always lived on that land, so the 'test conditions' are near perfect, meaning there's a direct trace and comparison line for the toxins from the 50's until now.The Govt want things kept quiet, so cant just go round to the farmers house and ask to borrow a cow to take a contamination sample from!

The second side to this is the black helicopters which are often seen in the vicinty before and following mutilations. Now apparently this explains HOW the cows are mutilated. Laser scalpels. Killing two birds with one stone, the government is taking this opportunity to experiement with it's secret and newly developed laser scalpel technology. The 'hit and run' situation required for such activity also works as a good training aid for the men involved, simulating covert battle-field conditions. Linking back to the previous paragraph, apparently the bits that the mutilators take (eyes, anus etc) are the best pieces of an animal to use for such longterm contamination tests.

Now make of all that what you will, but the guy on the TV made it sound most convincing!

I also saw that or a similar program. Many good points were made and I tend to accept the explaination until somone can explain a better hypothesis.

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 02:59 PM
Man noone aint touching our cattle down here in Alberta, with this whle Foot and mouth # we have going on.
The poor farmers have lost so much money here, and killed so much cattle.
Maybe its them killing all those cattle everywhere else in the world. Take the worlds cattle down with thiers.
And to think, Us Albertans are comapred to Texans.

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