posted on Jun, 27 2006 @ 10:07 PM
after another indepth review of Revelation, I will admit I am wrong. I took an idea that was given to me and was corrupted by it. That
website...btw... was not claiming the same as I was. In fact, it was careful review of reading Revelations alongside that study that made me realize
that the idea I had taken before was not correct. So, do not judge the author of that website based on my combining the link with an addition to a
theory I took. Check it out for yourself, it is a very good study. I would like to warn of someone though... His name is Robert G. Barbara. He has
written three books called Rod of Iron, the Fourth Son of Revelation, and I don't know the other name. He has a website out and he is trying to
convince people that reading his books is a stepping stone to Heaven and that his books are the inspired Word of God. ....................I'm sure
we all see the problem in that. Anyway, he makes the claim also that the the bride of Christ is the 24 elders(the raptured church) instead of New
Jerusalem. He keeps going lalala, he's bogus and he's making money off the deal anyway. This thread will probably get moved, now, but I did want
to apologize for my blatant disregard and my zeal for something other than what is Scripturally sound.