posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 11:20 AM
Worth bearing in mind that those interested in launching a world wide
cull via lab-created diseases won't leave it to chance or rely
on birds.
Interesting little item on the whore media (before it was pulled) about six
months ago in Oz. We were shown half a dozen individuals being
hurried out of what appeared to be some new kind of ambulance. We
were told that they were 'Americans' on some sort of group trip to Oz.
They'd only been in the country a brief time. It was claimed they had
contracted 'food poisoning' .... which (were were told) was highly
contagious ! (????).
Those sheparding the Americans into a medical facility were clothed head to foot in maxi-hazard gear. Full face masks, the lot. All in white. They
looked as if they were off for a walk on the moon. This occurred on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland.
Contagious food poisoning ? Most people have had food poisoning at some
juncture in their lives. It's caused by rotten or infected food. That poison is
in the gut of the sufferer. Those who haven't eaten the rotten food don't have symptoms, unless they're infected via feces. I've never heard of
'highly contagious food poisoning' --- has anyone else?
After the brief news snippet, the story sank like a stone.
It's my suspicion that those determined to decimate the world's populations via
Bird Flu and other nasties, deliberately infect 'carriers' whom they then put on international flights. Not all that long ago, an American women
described in the mainstream news as a 'model', died whilst en route from the US to the UK. It sounds as if they gave her too strong a dose. It was
probably intended that she live for at least a week in London, spreading her disease to as many people as possible. Ditto the 'food poisoning'
victims who were sussed by health authorities in Australia and isolated before they could do the intended damage.
World leaders may be prepared to rubber-stamp everything that comes out of the corrupt Bush cabal, but the health authorities in 'target' nations
are a different matter and so far have done a great job of limiting the spread of the intended 'bird flu pandemic'. I guess the Bush cabal has
forced virtually every nation to purchase millions of dollars worth of bird-flu antidote, just as Bush took it upon himself to order several million
doses of 'anthrax vaccine' at the height of the staged 'terrorist anthrax threat'. Apparently, Bush and his gang held huge numbers of shares in
the company which produced the 'anthrax vaccine'. So in effect, the US taxpayer was forced to hand over more millions of dollars to the obscenely
wealthy Bush, Cheyney and Rumsfeld families. Same old same old.
They most probably hypnotise the bird-flu mules before putting them on international flights. Probably use allegedly 'missing' persons for the
task? Give them phoney IDs so they can't be traced back, inject them with massive doses of the disease -- then inject them again to keep their
symptoms in check for the duration of the flight, etc. They probably work on ratio of one in ten making it through to the intended destination to
spread their disease. There are probably a lot more people dying en route than we'll ever know. There's likely some new law now, swearing airlines
to secrecy. Guess anyone in contact with the infected-mules in transit would be a bonus for the satanists.
We can only hope someone close to the bastards behind all this will become infected and cough up a lungful whilst in the presence of the mighty
leaders and would-be architects of human-kind's extinction. Now that would be poetic justice. Hope the gods are reading this and getting the hint.