posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 05:58 PM
Okay, this may sound totally ridiculous (in fact I think that it's totally ridiculous), but I have heard from some people (not on the ATS boards, I
mean people that I come in physical contact with) that Mozilla Firefox browser records all of the websites you visit, along with all of your
keystrokes and stores them in a massive NSA database to be rooted through and disected at a later time.
I also heared that anyone who uses firefox (I'm a firefox user, by the way) is pretty much inviting being spied on while they're online.
Like I said, this sounds ridiculous, but I guess it's possible.
When I inquired about it to my friend, he said something about the little reptile/dinosaur head thing on the browser is a dead giveaway (evil reptile
people stuff).
Okay, seriously, what's the deal?
Has anyone else ever heared this?
I mean, you can't track everyone on the internet, right?
I don't mean to start a bunch of nonsense, or get people up in arms, I'm just asking questions based on something I was told, please keep that in
And no, I do not work for netscape or (insert web browser company here)
[edit on 2-6-2006 by wu kung]