posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 05:45 PM
I have been noticing that this country has serious issues with how we percieve education.
well, I am very happy that there are places to talk topics like this (education). It seems that at my age, I have the desire to grow and learn while
my friends all have the desire to go and have have fun and not a care in the world. I would rather draw and engineer things, think, read, think about
politics and so forth, that it sometimes makes me sick to think that most people find these being a waste of time and that it is a nussance that than
a blessing.
For instance, something that seemed like a very little humorous joke in the movie Dodgeball. I was watching it for the umpteenth time (HBO monthly
repeat) and I noticed that the 'tournament' was being held at the 'university of learning addicts'. I had heard it before, but it really caught me
this time. It really got me thinking that this country has absoloutly no respect for education. It is seen as a joke and is taken for granted, while
everywhere else around the world it is seen as a godsend [technically speaking, not literally]. It really made me sick that the design to learn, grow
and the desire to learn is seen as a sick and twisted reality, as if it is some disease that the 'normal' people have to put up with people like
'us'. I know it was meant only as a joke, but it really made me sick, and somewhat made me boil over on the topic. While I am studying, trying very
despirately to get my GPA up to a 3.5 minimum, (I would like to attend MIT as I am smart enought, have the desire to go far, and the ability to
succeed in the field, however, actually find it hard to do my assigned work and would rather work on my own projects), my friends are all worried
about what's going on in television, movies, music, parties, and the next time they will get wasted.
It jsut makes me sick, that people have such a twisted perspective on everything in this country, and we're stuck in the middle of it. Is anyone else
noticing this? If so, it would be a great help to know that I'm not alone in a world like this.