posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 02:04 PM
I'm not really versed in the Bible but I was just thinking about the war in Heaven, and I decided to go at it from a different angle. No offence is
intended through my post, but as I say, I am just stating a wild theory which popped into my head.
The Bible states that Lucifer was a bad seed who craved God's throne and rallied others to his cause. They rebelled and caused a holy civil war, and,
after losing, they were damned to Hell.
But maybe that isn't what happened. What if God (whatever it is) had decided to force humanity to worship him. What if he demanded sacrifices to
prove his subjects loyalty, wars to spread his name, and blood to quench a thirst. What if the God we all consider (not neccessarily believe in) was
in fact a brutal being with an inferiority complex.
Now Lucifer, who had watched Gods behaviour, began to realise that it was wrong to enslave another. He watched as humanity became more and more
oppressed by the Ruler of Heaven and Earth. Lucifer would then preach his case to the masses of angels, convincing many that Gods behaviour was wrong
and unjust.
After amassing enough likeminded individuals, Lucifer demands God stop his sadistic behaviour and leave humanity to grow untouched.
The War starts, Lucifer falls, and God tells everyone that Lucifer was a rebel enemy who coveted all the powers of the creator. Lucifer, unable to
defend himself, has no defence, and so become the Enemy.
Heaven's propaganda (literature, art etc) depict Lucifer as a Beastly horned demon, and he is named the Antichrist.
[edit on 2/6/06 by JackofBlades]
[edit on 2/6/06 by JackofBlades]
[edit on 2/6/06 by JackofBlades]